Above the fold

M-M-M Good

Stodgy old Campbell’s Soup Company is missing a great opportunity to reconnect its brand and its market share-challenged Alphabet Soup recipe to today’s generation.

One simple call to Dylan Mulvaney’s agent could do it.   Don’t lead.  Follow nike and Bud Light.  Dylan has put those two brands front and center this week.

One Mulvaney commercial can take the alpha right out of the can of letters.  It’s a sure bet.

Another sure bet is the effective strategic drive by people that are either labeled left, progressive, woke, fair-minded, and most of all inclusive to unrelentingly bring the letter T up to par with the letters L, G, and B is on.  Whether you agree or disagree, make no mistake about it-it’s on.  And, “they” are very good marketers.

Shoot six people in Nashville.  Make sure they label “they” who did it correctly.  Throw a Trans Vengeance Day. Hooray.  Drag queen shows are good for children.

It’s never too early for gender reassignment surgery.  Recruiting gets younger and younger in all sports these days.  Heck, men can even swim against women now.

You can’t spell mainstream without the “T.”

But, here’s another sure bet.  While the non-progressives are spending time and energy showing their outrage over this phenomenon another is on the way.  You just don’t see it yet.

Next in line is the letter Q and it feels left out of the party.   Who is “Q?”  The most trusted name in news, CNN, has the answer.  “The Q can stand for “questioning” — as in still exploring one’s sexuality — or “queer,” or sometimes both,” writes the trusted leader.

It’s the most inclusive letter of all.  Still seeking answers, no problem.  We can all identify with that.  You identify that you don’t yet identify.

So, if you feel left out of what you don’t know you are being left out of we have your back.  Oh, and we want your vote.

Don’t think for a second that those stodgy old Republicans that still eat Alphabet Soup give a darn about you.  You can see this coming in the election cycle in 2024 like a derailed train in East Palestine, OH.

Don’t trust BBR?  Ask federally funded National Public Radio (NPR).  They feel left out too.  They actually had to cut some staff last week.  They aren’t the first journalism type biz to face the music, are they?

And, now the horror of horrors has occurred.  Elon Musk and Twitter labeled them as “state-affiliated media.”  John Lansing, NPR’s president and CEO, called it “unacceptable for Twitter to label us this way.”

It sounds like they might not know who they are either.  Should they be called NPRQ going forward?

There has to be a supply chain shortage of letters around the corner.

2024 is going to be m-m-m good!