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Hard Time(s)

Yesterday, the fickle folks perusing Al Gore’s internet spent a good bit of the day debating if the King of Beers had become the beer of queens.

Meanwhile, one borough over from Queens, DA Alvin Bragg was in Manhattan attempting to put another nail in the former king’s coffin.

Donald Trump was arranged in NY in a court that looked like the kangaroo kind.  Predictably, people from all walks of life and both sides of the political spectrum had an opinion regardless of how little they understood the system and the facts or fiction surrounding the charges or lack of same.

Fox News commissioned a fairly in-depth poll asking whether the former president should be indicted.  A very significant majority of 60% thought that he should.  Seventy-two percent thought that the legal process was politically motivated.  A whopping 52 % thought that Bragg was very politically motivated.

To summarize, well over half of the US wants Trump to go down and knows that it’s very dirty politics driving him there.  That is scary regardless of your political bent.

Once upon a time Lady Justice was blind.  Yesterday the blindfold was lifted and the curtain on the circus went up.

George Soros promised a million bucks to his campaign if he’d promise to indict Trump.  Promise kept.  DA Bragg did what two of his predecessors refused to do.

Meanwhile, stuff that was important, not stuff that the media talked about all day ad nausea, was unfolding.

In the Tarheel state of North Carolina, a Democrat congresswoman is expected to flip to the Republican Party as early as today.  This one move will give the elephants a veto-proof majority in the houses to neuter the power of their Democrat Governor.

Chicago gave the heave-ho to Mayor Lightfoot weeks ago.  She watched crime spiral out of control, dissed the police, and supported reduced charges or nonprosecution of criminals on her watch.  Chicago elected her replacement last night.  He despises the police, believes them to be racially motivated, and supports reduced or eliminated charges.  Sound familiar?

Wisconsin turned a state Supreme Court 4-3 deficit into a 4-3 liberal majority in an election that will soon lead to sweeping changes.  Strict abortion laws there will go away like so many unborn children.  Election voting laws will no longer be laws.

Dems outworked, out-strategized, and outspent the RNC in Wisconsin.

McDonald’s closed its US offices for a couple of days as major layoffs were conveyed.  Is Ronald McDonald safe?  Hopefully.  The GOP should do the same at the RNC.  Is Ronna McDaniel safe?  Hopefully not.

Florida got redder in the last election.  Chicago is now bluer through and through except when it comes to supporting cops.  North Carolina is purplish but trending red.  In Wisconsin, we’ll need to wait for the snow to melt to see, but from here it looks like the purple is fading into a brand-new hue of blue.

In short, more states are digging in.

Toss Trump in jail regardless of the accuracy of the crimes or severity thereof.  The hell with fighting crime.  My body my choice, unless it’s jab time.  No voter ID, no problem.

Meanwhile, China and Russia are getting awfully cozy.  Oil, once pumping like crazy in the US is going to get way more expensive soon.  Chickens are on strike and eggs have security devices on them at the local grocer.

We’re more divided now than ever.  We care less and less about the rule of law and justice.  Are we headed deeper and deeper into that abyss?

Where is our leader who promised to be the Great Unifier?

Last week he was consoling the fine citizens of Rolling Rock Rolling Stone Rolling Fork Mississippi.

This week?  The ice cream shop?

Don’t we need to make America great again?

It’s hard to do if you’re doing hard time.






Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Donnie Boy missed a great opportunity to take the high road and expand his base. Everyone knows the intent by the DA. Everyone. No need to call names and act like a bully.

    It’s too bad that he can’t soften a very obvious blow and build some momentum. Oh I forgot, his ego wont let him.

    Unifying means building teams. Building relationships, and gathering steam. It doesn’t mean blowing hot air and hoping it holds water.

    • It says here that he was cool, calm, collected, and measured for the most part. But!
      His message when running for the first time resonated like “hell yea I was thinking the same thing” about these swamp rats.
      His message now is I’m right and they are wrong on all of these tort and tortuous allegations. He’s playing defense now, not offense.
      His state of affairs is sad. The GOP’s is worse.