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Nothing to See Here.

The bodies of the six victims in yesterday’s Nashville Christian School shooting hadn’t even cooled down yet before the rapidly evolving and bickering US public began throwing haymakers assigning blame for this latest senseless loss of life.

Using “hadn’t even cooled down yet” to describe the deceased would have been looked at as a macabre way of writing just a decade or so back.  But, in today’s desensitized and divided world, it’s just another keystroke or 24.

And, therein might lie the root of our problems.  We can see almost anything live thanks to cameras and streaming video everywhere, jump on our favorite social media platform and comment, lie in wait for the side that opposes us to counterpunch, then remark in horror that “they” could be so insensitive to our way of thinking.

Three years ago during those early coronavirus times, every dumb commercial told us that we were “all in this together” and this was our “new normal.”

Well, we’ve all always been in this together and our new normal is the same as it has always been.  It is what we as a society are willing to accept or encourage.

We accepted the two weeks to break the curve and jabbed a vaccine that did little good.  Now we are learning that it might have done us more harm than good.

Some are still wearing a mask.  Normal?

For years now we have fed the homeless, clothed the homeless, and on cold nights sheltered the homeless.  Prez Biden should whisper, “folks, we have a mental health problem, no joke!”   A few cities even put some up in hotels and charge the taxpayer.  That’ll solve it.

We video fistfights in an attempt to be the first to post them on Instagram.  Why would you attempt to break it up before someone gets seriously hurt when likes and clicks are at stake?  You can’t pray in the classroom but you can video your teacher having to go a few rounds with an aggressive student.

We see countless numbers of videos of in-store mob thefts, see store employees trained to let the culprits go, and have DAs from coast to coast that won’t charge anyone for crimes.  Society’s inaction encourages more of this behavior.  And, more we will get.

We accept that people want their own pronouns.  It’s now “normal” for two genders to have 44 different pronouns.

Some even identify as various animals.  Sounds fine.    No attention seekers.  No mental disorders.  Nothing to see here.

Last week Jane Fonda went on national TV and encouraged people to kill Christians.  Yesterday it happened.   Was that why this happened?

CNN spent half of the day trying to figure out which pronouns to use to describe the sick one that killed six someones.   All 1,459 of their viewers deserve accurate reporting.  This is CNN!

The trans community was supposed to hold a Trans Vengeance Day this weekend.  One started early.

Many pointed out that Tennessee has taken a strong stance against development-blocking meds and early gender reassignment surgery.  Was that why this happened?

He/she/they/them and all of us are wrong when complying.

After his afternoon nap and some drivel about his favorite ice cream, Joe Biden asked Congress to pass that important assault weapon ban bill all over again.  Remember, it’s the guns that kill, not the mentality that we embrace and accept of the shooters that kill people.

We yearn for the good old days of orange-dyed hair, tattoos from head to toe, gauges in lobes, piercings galore, war protests, social injustice, CHAZ, and mostly peaceful protests(but not J6).

One bright spot is that VP Kamala Harris is in Africa this week.  She’s searching the globe to find the root cause of the immigration crisis facing our southern border.

She does identify as she doesn’t she?



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • For a couple of brief years, the Dem’s had control of both congress, and the senate. Oh and the White House too. Opportunity was knocking like a tee ball game on Saturday.

    Heck yeah, they couldn’t miss. Well guess what, our lawmakers couldn’t hit water if they fell out of a boat. Gun Control laws, Nope. Immigration reform, Nope. Fiscal reform to avoid debt ceiling issues, Nope, Energy policy, Nope. Voter rights enhancements, Nope.

    You see, these big picture issues gave way to lack of any real plans. They succumbed to “let’s do something but what isn’t clear”.

    And watching this fearful time unfold I learned one important thing: the only folks with a clear and true plan are lobbyists.

    • It’s really one uni party bought and paid for.
      Terms limits would be a start.
      Honesty would help as well.

  • Tragic – Senseless are only a few words to describe what happened yesterday . No one, No Place is 100% safe Period .
    3 kids and 3 adults Killed for No F–ing reason.
    I don’t care if its { Him-her-she-they-them-us- any color-Trans-LGBTQ+} We need change in this country and it starts with mental issues/family values… and if you think the Gov’t is going to help, think again … Start to help yourself and help others . This was excellent read .

    • Agreed Mr. Chill. Maybe one-day mental health issues will be as accepted as physical ones. But, finding cures looks tougher than curing cancer.

      Prevention is more possible though. To your point, if the home upbringing was more complete the mental health of this country would be far better.

  • I think the home upbringing is the problem. Folks should have to go thru a training program to have families. I’m only half kidding.

    • Only half kidding is perfect because most children only have half of their parents raising them.