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And, We’re Off!

If you’re like most you probably needed this past weekend to decompress from the stress of reliving the pain and suffering brought about by the anniversary of Insurrection Day last Friday.

Hopefully, on Monday you weren’t cheering for TCU.  If you were, by Tuesday morning you must have felt like anyone who fought Iron Mike Tyson in the mid to late 80s.  Wait, we are being told as we write that Georgia just scored again.

And then it all hit the fan Wednesday.

First, news broke that Joe Biden, unbeknownst to him he says, stashed away a few classified top secret documents discovered in a locked closet at an office at a Washington think tank, the Penn Biden Center.  Thank goodness the closet was locked.  Typing “Biden” and “think tank” in the same sentence seems odd.

Meanwhile, the entire nation’s air travel was shut down.   The Federal Aviation Administration’s preliminary investigation points to a “damaged database file” in a key system. The agency is still working to determine the root cause of the outage in NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) which alerts pilots and airports of real-time hazards.  One can hope that they get to the root cause quicker than VP Harris has been able to determine the root cause of the illegal migration problem.

Of course, that problem may be overstated.  Footage shown of Prez Biden walking the border in El Paso Sunday showed not a single illegal in sight.  Weird?  Probably not says WH Press Secretary Karine Jean Claude Van Damme Pierre Toulouse.  She called the lack of traffic “a coincidence.”

The lack of air traffic yesterday probably did not sit well with the Biden Administration’s former Department of Energy official, gender fluid thief Sam Brinton.  No flights mean no moving carrousels.  No moving carrousels mean no incoming luggage to roll out with.

Midday brought the announcement that The University of Southern California’s School of Social Work will no longer use the word “field.” They will replace it with “practicum.”  “Language can be powerful, and phrases such as ‘going into the field’ or ‘field work’ maybe have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign,” the statement read.

At least our government is looking out, as always, for our health.  The US Consumer Product Safety Commission says a ban on gas stoves is on the table as they emit harmful pollutants.

Who knew?  AOC knew.  She tweeted, “Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance?”  Actually, we added the question mark for her.  She may have forgotten it due to reduced cognitive performance.

Speaking of thieves and reduced cognitive performance, Oh Joy Behar defended Biden on The View yesterday.  She said, “We know Donald Trump is a liar and a thief.  We give Joe Biden the benefit of the doubt.”  Fair and balanced.

She may have spoken too soon as she often does.  Biden’s legal team found yet another batch of classified government records in a different location last evening. No worries, they were very likely under lock and key as well.  That the first batch was discovered just weeks before the November midterms and yet kept quiet was probably another one of those coincidences, but we digress.

Will the Feds obtain a search warrant for the White House?

Will Biden ask that we remove the word “White” from “White House?” He might be in his think tank pondering the thought.  USC would be all in.

By nightfall, the FCC put all of the planes on ground halt again.  Surely Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg will get to the bottom of this.  He always does.

Hey, we did get Congress seated.

And misinformation was so 2022.

Twelve days into 2023 we are off and running, just not flying.




Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Ironic the First name of JOY less Reid and JOY never funny Behar is more or less Misinformation from Day one of thier Life .. No More Gas Stoves , no More White house, no more Master Bedrooms. I saw what you did on the Buttibutt line ..

    • The staff is speechless. We were merely trying to give Buttigieg a backdoor compliment.

  • So many reasons to dislike our public officials. First, lets look deeper at natural gas. It’s never been about exposure but about ventilation. Why don’t they address the problem rather than generalizations ruling the day? Proper installation and training is the key.

    Oh and just like our gasoline, the reaction by our local gas utilities is going to spike upwardly. Check out your gas bills in 60 days. Chances are, a 20-40% increase. You would think they learned this lesson when oil leases and pipelines were cancelled. But no, just more ignorance and grandstanding.

    AOC should be more concerned about rat infestation and mold in the decrepit old buildings of her district. Well at least they don’t have to worry about leftovers!

    • Speaking of rat infestation, there are a few where AOC works as well. McConnell is an old Irish word for river rat.
      At least Biden is cooperating with the DOJ-like that matters. I’m stopped with drugs in my car. I’m cooperating. I still have drugs in my car, however.