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Childish Questions

Leave the place better than you found it.  Pay it forward.  Our children are our future.  Our children are our most precious commodities.

You’ve heard them all at one time or another.  They all make sense.  In fact, they make plenty of sense.

What doesn’t make sense is how we’re going about it, or not going about it depending on whom you ask.

The ultimate person to ask would be the leader of our country, 80 years young President Joesph Biden.  He’d probably quickly say we are doing a fine job raising today’s youth.   Then he’d ask someone which way he is supposed to walk to get off of the stage he just walked up on, but we digress.

Still, we have questions.

Are the free flow of humans and the drugs they traffic across our southern border good for our young impressionable ones?  Synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, were involved in more than two-thirds of the overdose deaths in the year ending in March 2022. Deaths involving synthetic opioids increased by a whopping 80% over the past two years.

What did keeping kids in remote learning for over a year accomplish during the pandemic?  Ask any educational expert and they will tell you that it set back reading comprehension and retarded social skill development.

What did the mandatory masks in the classroom do for them, especially the under-5-year-old group?  Nothing.

And, just six months ago why did Biden trumpet the approval by the FDA of the vax for five and under?  Four weeks in only 2.8% of the approximately 19 million children in this age group had the free jab forced into their bloodstream.  Then the weekly rate of vaccinations plummeted.  Kudos to 97.2% of parents for seeing through this potentially harmful nonsense.

Speaking of free, nothing is free.  Does kicking the national debt of 31.5 trillion down the road help the next generation?  Uncle Joe’s appropriate response should fall somewhere between “no” and “hell no.”  Of course, he might call money spent today ” an investment in tomorrow.”  Word salad.

Joe doesn’t spend here alone by the way.  Bush, Obama, and Trump kicked the can as well as Lionel Messi kicks a soccer ball.

And what about that new craze?  You know the one.  it’s the most heinous of all.  Call it gender mutilation.  Mr. President, does anyone in their right mind think that prepubescent children know what they want to be when they grow up?

Apparently, Biden does.  Or, at least someone told him to say so.  Straight from the White House lawn yesterday he read from his notes, “We need to challenge the hundreds of callous, cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families and criminalizing doctors who get children the care they need. We have to protect these children.”

Care?  Protect?

He even told the world that to question this life-altering moment puts you in a grouping of hate groups.  He continued with, “racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. is all “connected.”


Joe might know better than all of us.  You’ve seen the myriad of pictures and videos where he seems physically too closely “connected.”  Handsy, some say.  Even his daughter agrees per her diary.

The worst crime of all may be robbing a child of their innocence and childhood.

Perhaps we’ve become disconnected from that reality.