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In This Corner…..

The fight for control of the narrative is on.  And it’s a heavyweight bout.

Standing in one corner is Elon Musk.  His diminutive size should not be dismissed as he packs a hell of a right cross.  Or, as the left suddenly realizes it’s a hell of a cross from the right.

Maybe he’s not right, or from the right all of the time, but he is right in the middle of this Twitterverse turnabout and bobbing and weaving like a 20-year-old flyweight.

Standing in the other corner is everyone who had a free run when free speech was on the run at Twitter.  When you can throw unabated haymakers you can pretty much control the narrative.

Censoring, shadow banning, or limiting the exposure of anyone who agreed with Trump, was related to Trump, wanted to expose the Hunter Biden laptop contents, or opposed the great Dr. Fauci and his vax needles were the plans from the corner.  It’s a walkover when your opponent can’t get into the ring.

But, the counter-punching has started.  Already, the weakest from the left have left the ring.  Some of the dumbest, aka Alyssa Milano, stayed and need a standing eight count to even continue.

Many of these same folks were “moving to Canada if Trump wins.”  They didn’t of course.  If they had they would have been able to participate in the draconian approach of PM Trudeau to freedom of expression (arresting protesting truckers) and combating the pandemic (shutdowns, masks, no work, and vax and vax and boost and boost).

“My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” Musk wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday.  That was a quick one-two combo at Fauci’s follies and the pronoun crowd.

On Monday the WH condemned Musk after he ridiculed President Joe Biden’s close coronavirus advisor and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci on social media.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre criticized Musk’s social media remarks as “dangerous” yesterday.

“Truth resonates,” Musk added.

“These attacks, these personal attacks that we have been seeing are dangerous on Dr. Fauci and other public health officials as well, they are disgusting and they are divorced of reality,” she said during the daily briefing.

Dangerous?  Disgusting?  Really?  Tell us how.  Tell us more.

Wait, we know.  It’s dangerous and disgusting because it goes against the worn-out, beat-up, torn-down narrative.  You know it.  “Get boosted.”  “Winter of death.”  “Wear two masks.”  “Just one vax a year.”  “Just two.”  “It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

It’s borderline the dreaded “misinformation.”

When will anyone or everyone realize that we are all unvaxxed?  That’s right, follow the science.  It’s the one telling you that the vax’s efficacy lasts about two months in your body.

When will the WH, Fauci, and their cronies realize that America stopped getting jabbed about six months ago?  They said the fight is over.  They threw in the towel and the worthless masks as well.

She reminded reporters that Fauci had served under seven presidents and that Americans were “fortunate” to benefit from the “life and exceptional talent.”  “That’s what should be discussed right now, that’s what we should be thankful to him about,” she said.

Ah, yes.  Let’s give thanks for a long public service career.  Joe Biden has had a similar one.   Longevity may have nothing to do with excellence and vice versa.

Some pugilists have gotten high on the lifestyle and the money.  They’ve been hit once too many times about the cranium.  They retired too late.

Some public servants have stayed in the ring too long as well.

Meanwhile, Musk is going for the TKO.

And, it might be only round one for him.

Let’s get ready to rumble.





Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • I have no issue with Fauci and his platform. Let’s not forget that the Donald, AKA El Donaldo, gave him a similar platform to spew his genius at anyone within range of a TV. Mr. T. Could have appointed a new team to bring”science” to the people. But Trump didn’t.

    Why you ask? Because he can’t spell science or anything complex for that matter. I’m just sayin. Fauci is a self promoting attention slave who was dying for a month of fame in an otherwise long career of civil service.

    Give these kind of folks a microphone and they come alive. Alive with remembrances of old lab lectures and government grants. What we needed and still need guys like Fauci to do is tell us honestly how this all came to be.

    What research is really happening in China and on foreign lands? Who’s funding this stuff? And how do we deal with the future?

    It’s just so common that the medical professionals in this country continue to talk about and treat symptoms. Never, ever, getting to what we really need:

    • It says here that Trump sealed his fate for the 2020 election when he didn’t remove Fauci. It would have been YUGE news for a week, but it would have removed Fauci’s platform and his platform shoes. Remove him and the next sentence may not have had to be written.

      The CDC, Fauci, the NIAID, Pfizer, Moderna, and others flat-out lied about the vax’s efficacy and safety.

      Let’s see what McCarthy and company can dig up on the Fauci trail. Maybe they’ll find the cause and the judicial system will find cause to indict him. Doubtful, but a man can hope.

      Remember inflation is transitory. And the covid virus didn’t leak from a lab.

      Oh, and Fauci told us wearing a mask was worthless until he told officials to make wearing a mask mandatory.

  • Outstanding Read ,,,, No No Not Joy Reed ,,, she’s another NUT at MCNDC ……..Talk about Hate she’s a Knock out all the time

    • There is no joy to Joy Reed. She’s supposed to join lovely people like Cuomo on the sidelines when her contract goes up at MSNBC.
      They’d like to fire her, but she’d cry racism in a NY minute as she does every day on every subject.
      She’s the biggest racist of all. People are so blinded by it they just can’t see it.

  • BBRs boxing analogy is right on, and this fight has been brewing for years. On the surface, Musk appears as Mike Tyson and Fauci/Biden/KJP as Buster Douglas. Invisible is the mafia of the establishment/DOJ/FBI/media that rigged the fight long before it started. If Musk wants to continue in round 2,3,4, expect a Trump-like beat down with subpoenas, law suits, warrants and misinformation. If that fails, the referee in the ring is related to Jimmy Hoffa.

    • Hopefully, we don’t get to the Hoffa-like 55-gallon drum buried in NJ under a building.

      Meanwhile, BBR continues to believe Musk has thought the next few shots in the billard game through already.
      Ring the bell he says, round 4, let’s get it on.