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Ten Piece Nuggets

We all need to avoid any winter weight gain.  But, never at the expense of a serving of Ten Piece Nuggets.  Digestion begins below.

  1. We aren’t here to suggest that Kari Lake’s opponent cheated.  We have zero evidence of that at this point.  We are here to suggest that Arizona just promoted incompetence to a higher level in its government. Katie Hobbs’s department counted the votes.  And, it took seven days to count votes in the year 2022.
  2. If you want to get rid of election deniers, get an election process that works in a timely or even semi-timely manner.
  3. A close friend of BBR asked, “Why are all of the counties or states that take forever to count always won by Democrats?”  One answer to that comes in the form of a question.  Why are all of the highest crime-ridden cities and counties run by Democrats?  Some might call it incompetence and indifference that creates dependence and further bloats the government.
  4. One bit of good news is that the feared invasion of those pesky Russian bots interfering in the elections must not have occurred.  Our democracy was at stake we were told.  Or, at least using that as an excuse for losing some races wasn’t needed/used in 2022 after preelection concerns were raised.
  5. An estimated 27% of eligible voters aged 18-29 turned out to vote, compared to roughly 20% of young voters who typically participated in elections in the 1990s.  Not only did Gen Z show up in force, they overwhelmingly picked Democrats, by a 28-point margin.  And this was in a midterm, not a presidential ballot election.  Why so heavy a turnout?  Our guess is that they liked the free money handout promise of student loan debt relief and didn’t like the abortion ruling that returned the decision to the state level.  Note to Republican leadership, assuming that they have any leaders, find a way to appeal to the youngsters.
  6. That public health emergency that was set to expire in January of 2023 called Covid-19 must be still with us.  President Biden declared on 60 Minutes that “the pandemic is over” nearly two months ago.  But, Friday the President extended the emergency status through at least April 2023.  Once again the winter of death for the unvaxxed must be upon us.  Follow the science we were once or twice told.
  7.  The Biden/Fetterman 2024 ticket is trending on Twitter.  What is the duo’s early working tagline, you ask?  “It’s a no-brainer!”  Too soon?
  8.  The “I told you so’s” are out and loud railing on the cryptocurrency world.  A few years back some asked, ” why would I invest in something that doesn’t exist?”  “Ponzi scheme!” was another retort.  Who knows where this journey ends, or if it does?  But, one lesson is always worth repeating.  Don’t invest in something that you know nothing about.
  9.  Turning to sports, the Washington Commanders defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 32-21 on MNF last evening.  Hail to the Redskins Commanders! The Eagles’ loss ensures that for at least one more year no team will run through their entire schedule undefeated since the only team that ever did so in 1972-the Miami Dolphins.   Hail to the Dolphins!
  10. The latest FBS Playoff standings will be released tonight.  And the “what if” crowd will grow louder.  What if the LSU Tigers run the table?  What if THE Ohio St. Buckeyes and the Michigan Wolverines play a very close, hard-fought game and each has only one loss?  Will the committee put three SEC teams in?  As Aaron Rodgers once scolded us.  R-E-L-A-X.  These things always work their way out.  Always.

Push your chair all the way in and put your plate in the dishwasher.



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • So…here we go on the Arizona Governor’s race. It’s not hard to see what happened here/there. But you have the incompetent party all wrong. As a lifelong republican, I can tell you that in Arizona you don’t throw stones at John McCain. Especially a dead JM.

    He’s still beloved by the mature crowd in AZ and he gets even more credit for marrying up a couple of weight classes. Ms Lake is a stage prop for the Donald and nothing more. She was born a media and attention mistress and continues to need the camera more than ever. Humility is not in her vocabulary. Nor is grace.

    Amen for her defeat. I’d like to present the concept that the Dems didn’t win, the republicans lost.

    • Hmm. Well, she could have lost a week ago and that would sit better with the other 49 states watching and waiting..
      Also, McCain was a Republican in name only in his last 12 years or so on terra firma.
      Sounds like she did herself in much like Trump did 2 years ago and counting.

      • I’m not arguing with you about McCain. But he’s Arizona’s RINO and you say and do what you need to win. Trump forgot to share that knowledge with her.

        • And, now he’s going to try to share his knowledge with all of America in an attempt to make it great again. It’s another losing hand.
          Separately, I hope Arizona, with years of migration from Cali and illegal immigration from Mexico and beyond, isn’t turning purple blueish.