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She Must Not be Here
As it has been told, Joe Biden sought former President Barrack Obama’s council prior to deciding to run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2020. As has also been told, Obama reportedly said, “You don’t have to do this Joe, you know?”
Was that a polite way of saying “don’t run?” If the response confused Biden in any way, it ultimately did not stop him from running and winning.
Speaking of confusion, President Biden was looking around at his WH announcement yesterday and uttered, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? She must not be here.”
The president wondered aloud if Jackie Walorski, who died last month, was present during a conference on hunger, nutrition, and health on Wednesday. Walorski was killed in a car crash on Aug. 3. She had been a champion of a bill that established the White House Hunger Conference Biden was addressing on Wednesday.
Predictably, NBC News called the attempt to find Jackie a “gaffe.” No matter where you stand politically, isn’t it time we called this and other cringeworthy moments what they are? After all, we are talking about the highest office in the world.
What they are are old age and dementia at the barest of minimums. Biden turns 80 in two months. Yesterday, Dr. Jill had to tell him where to walk after he finished his remarks in another ceremony.
They hid him quite well in his basement during the covid 2020 campaign. They’ve sent him to Delaware nearly every weekend while he has held the office and many of them have been three-day weekends. They restrict the number of his appearances before the press, designate who calls on him when he has a rare one, and script his answers to the degree they can keep him on point.
But, the decline is on the rise.
If he runs in 2024 he’ll be doing this country, his party, his family, and himself a disservice. If his family allows him to run, shame on them. If the DNC allows him to run double shame on them.
The press demanded that Trump take a cognitive ability test. He passed and of course, he bragged about it.
Isn’t it time they do the same for old Joe? It would be great if he passed and even if he bragged about it.
Meanwhile, isn’t it time for the Biden camp to admit that Father Time remains undefeated? Wall St impatiently awaits.
Don’t bet against Gavin Newsom. He knows where Jackie is. He knows where Kamala stands.
And, he knows where Pennsylvania Ave is as well.
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Newsome is a bonafied sniper. He see’s through a scope better than anyone in politics. Smooth as silk. Dapper and dignified. And….YOUNG.
If he runs, he should be the nominee.
Newsom forgot to wear his mask a few times and he’s a far enough left guy to be called a nut job if you ask this writer. That said, he looks like and wears like teflon.
Newsom v DeSantis would be a battle royal cage match.
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