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Does Lindsey Play For the Other Team?
The old adage that a tie is like kissing your sister rings true in politics this AM.
Heretofore, this site has long held the belief that the best thing going for the Democrats in DC is the lead Senate Republican in DC, one Mitch McConnell.
He looks old, he sounds old, he is old(80), and he sells out always willing to send two bucks the Democrats’ way if he can send one home to Kentucky. He inspires few.
But, yesterday, another RINO pulled into a first-place tie with old Mitch. That senator’s name is Lindsey Graham.
In basketball, you feed the shooter. In other words, you pass the ball to the man, or woman, who has the hot hand and can score.
Old Lindsey(67) fed the hot hand yesterday. Except he threw the ball to the other team.
Graham announced yesterday a bill to ban abortion after 15 weeks as debate rages over the issue after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade earlier this year. President Biden jumped all over that ruling in the early summer saying Roe v. Wade was on the ballot come this November.
And, it is.
And fan-boy Graham just fanned the flames.
Titled the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act,” (word salad that would make VP Kamala proud) the legislation comes as Democrats hammer the GOP on the campaign trail over state laws restricting abortions. Apparently, allowing the states to make their own laws wasn’t enough for him.
Graham said Tuesday morning that his bill is similar to laws in other developed countries and could actually help Republicans running in the midterms. Seven weeks out from election day and he pokes the bear.
You cannot be this
stupid naive, can you?
“I don’t know what Democratic candidates in these contested states will say about a bill such as mine,” Graham said. Our guess is plenty, loud, and often.
Polls show that the Democrats have made up solid ground in house races since the ruling that effectively overturned Roe v. Wade this summer. In fact, over 60% of all Americans favor abortion. That number reaches 73% when it’s women only polled.
The Republican’s playbook is paper thin compared to Democratic strategists.
Lindsey just added a page to it. The play is called “throw the ball right to them.”
And, make no mistake, they know how to shoot it.
We can’t help but ask, “does Lindsey like kissing his sister?”
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Graham fancies himself as a strategist. Anything but! If he was, his buddy Trump wouldn’t be in the boiling water that he’s bathing in.
It’s like a Scott Frost onside kick attempt. We all know how that ended.
Cool is the fall air. Frosty is the Raptor this AM.
Real Simple
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