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If You Fall Off of a Horse
During one of the Democratic Party’s nomination debates, then-candidate and now President, braggadocious Joe Biden claimed that he was the one that Vladimir Putin wanted nothing to do with. “I’ve stood toe to toe with him and looked him in the eye,” he said, or words similarly intended, but a bit garbled.
He also told us that he had a plan to combat the coronavirus while the sitting president did not. Though for better or worse, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was full speed ahead by the fourth quarter of 2020.
Soon enough thereafter, also for better or worse, 81 million votes were counted for Joe. “The most ever,” we’ve been told.
Fast forward to today, 18 months after he took office, and take a look around.
Shaking in his boots, Putin invaded Ukraine right away. Biden has sent well over $40 billion in aid and weapons as he continues to stand toe to toe with Putin. Then, in a late Friday news dump, the Biden administration said that it will send another $400 million in military equipment to Ukraine, including four more advanced rocket systems.
What’s the end game? “I don’t know how it’s going to end, but it will not end with a Russian defeat of Ukraine in Ukraine,” Biden said last week. Eye to eye, this guy is.
Just wait till we get the bill to build Ukraine back better.
On the virus front, it seems like the man with the plan has seen the plan go awry. He’s weirdly whispered into the mic a few dozen times, though not recently, “Get vaccinated, get boosted. Now!”
We wonder if it works, why do we need to keep taking it? If it doesn’t, why do we need to keep taking it?
Apparently, mothers (you can still use that word in the safe space of BBR) are questioning it as well. The approved vax for 6-month to 5-year-olds has plenty of supply and little demand, unlike baby formula.
Will we have another variant creep into our lives before the midterms?
Old Joe swears that he’s running for reelection in 2024. Given the above and throwing in Afghanistan, Wall St, and crime he has a tough hill to climb.
An in-depth Civiqs poll now has Biden with a historic low 29% approval rating. Only 63% of Democrats and 36% of Hispanics approve of the job he’s doing. Artificial intelligence aside, getting back to 81 million is going to be a stretch.
But, never count the career politician out.
As the old saying goes if you fall off of a horse, you get right back on it.
It’s the same as if you fall off of a bike, you get right back on it.
Joe remembers the old saying.
He’s living the new one.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Seems like old sayings are the rage these days so lets add a few to the Biden Dog Pile.
Joe couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat. His policies lack any effective positive impact and is killing our wallets.
Liar, Liar, Pants on fire! Joe’s boy did use his father’s influence and pocketed a tidy sum of party change. Don’t let a good snort go unpunished.
Joe can’t see the forest for the trees. “We will not allow anyone to drill for oil. Only renewable energy sources from here on out”. Joe approved 10 new oil and gas leases last week after Hunter was unable to properly fund is “habit”.
I could go on and on. Even DR. Seuss fits this guy to a tee but why do I need to. Everyone knows that he’s a living cartoon.
Well done.
Please ensure sensitivity around Dr. Seuss, especially if you are interacting on Twitter. His teachings are now regarded as racist.
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