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Two Worn Out Boxers

Mass murder.  Senseless.  Horrific.

It happened again.  And, it will happen again.

The terrifying truth of the matter is that it can’t be stopped.  But, it could be reduced in frequency and severity if significant, important, and immediate steps were taken.

The most important step might be the first one.  We need new, better, and different dialogue about its root cause and possible preventative measures.

In Uvalde 19 innocent young children and two school teachers trying to protect them are dead.  So is the killer.

But, predictably, law enforcement officials had barely pulled the sweaty palms of the deranged gunman off of his weapon(s) of choice and the blame game began. To the airwaves and virtual airwaves they went.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz(R) tweeted that he and his wife were praying for the victims and their families.  Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego(D) tweeted, “Just to be clear f— you @tedcruz you f—ing baby killer.”

Cruz also said that he was “closely monitoring the situation.”  Worthless words.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat whose city is notorious for its high violence rates commented, “Now more than ever, we must push our legislators to pass sweeping and effective gun control measures. Our children’s lives depend on it.”  The right quickly swept in to defend the Second Amendment.

In 2021 Texas was second only to California in new gun purchases.  CNN showed Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s year-old tweet in retort.  It read “come on Texas, we can do better than that.”  A retort to the retort exclaimed, “don’t ever forget where Abbott stands on guns!”  “We must elect Beto and defeat Abbott.”  Abbott didn’t pull the trigger yesterday.

How odd that California, of all places, outgunned Texas.   How odd that Californians by the thousands are moving to Texas monthly.  How odd that four weeks ago the mass murder of the week took place in California.

Sadly, it’s like two old boxers emerging from their corners.  They possess passionate energy for a round or two, tire soon, and limp away.  It’s another draw.

Speaking of old, the nation turned to President Joe Biden’s address on the tragedy early last evening.  We were hoping that he could seize the moment and offer a new course.  We were hoping the Great Unifier would unify.

He shuffled out to the podium wearing a mask while the First Lady followed without one to stand behind him.

About two minutes in he angrily asked, “When are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?”  Check another talking point box.  Later, he told the nation that the victims, their families, and the city of Uvalde were going to need a LOT of help.

After a “God Bless,” he shuffled off this time mask in hand while Dr. Jill somehow found hers and walked off with one on.

It was a short play.  It was bad theater.  It was a rerun, actually.

The Unifier visited Buffalo and talked about white supremacy, racism, and gun control.  Will he visit Uvalde?

What should we do?  The answer lies in large part to stop doing what we’re doing.  A full-on examination by open-minded thinkers is past due.

Before you board a plane, you pass the “no-fly list” test.  Then you head to the lone public entrance to the terminal.  You’re identified.  You take your shoes off.  You empty electronic contents from your belongings.  You are body scanned.  You, or your bags, might be randomly checked further.  You might have a dog or two sniffing around. Police are overtly present.

Once onboard you are more often than not accompanied by an armed US Air Marshall.

All of this is done in the interest of public (your) safety.  It’s not easy getting on a plane.  It’s not fun.  A lot has changed in 20 years.

Compare that to school.  How do unwanted outsiders get into a school?  They walk in their choice of multiple doors.  It’s that easy.  Not a lot has changed in 20 years.

The plane/school comparison is just one small part of the much bigger aforementioned examination.  And, it does little when murderers enter grocery stores and movie theaters.  But, is it better than standing still?

Mental health issues might be the biggest need to tackle somehow.  Identifying, tracking, and denying access to weapons for dangerous folks is yet another.  Does 18 seem young to be able to buy a gun?  There are others.

It’s true, guns kill people.  But they only kill people when people pull triggers.  It’s true, cars kill people.  But, it’s only true when lunatics run over innocent people waiting for a Christmas parade.

It happened again.  And, it will happen again.

Widely known are the words from Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.