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Imagine That
Imagine a country governed by people who feel like a five-year-old understands gender orientation/identification but an 18-year-old doesn’t understand that if you borrow money for college you have to pay it back.
But for that to happen you’d have to imagine a country that has a president who said yesterday to teachers about their students at the White House Teachers of the Year Event, “they’re not somebody else’s children. They’re yours when you’re in the classroom.”
Imagine studying, for example, art appreciation, and realizing at 25 years of age that your degree can’t afford a tank of gas much less a loan payback.
Some wake-up calls happen later than others, but all are part of life’s lessons.
Imagine that the keepers of the taxpayers’ money think it’s actually a good lesson to teach loan forgiveness. Do car or house loans in the future come equipped with a ripcord too? Why would we teach anyone to live within (or preferably below) their means?
Is this a downpayment for a vote in the midterms?
Imagine the understandable outrage of parents who scraped to save for their child’s college while watching another handout.
Imagine the understandable outrage of valuable blue-collar workers who learned a trade at their own expense and now inevitably realize that the student loan debt is transferred to their backs.
Imagine a party currently out of power that could succinctly “sell” against the shell game above, get elected, and actually do right by the everyday working man and woman in this country.
To do that you’d need to imagine that “man” and “woman” are words still recognized by men and women.
To do that you’d need to imagine a party that was conservative, not Republican that spends like the party in power.
To do that you’d need to imagine a party that did not have people named McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, Cheney, and Romney in powerful positions.
To do that you’d need progressive (not that kind) thinking.
Someone better think like that and fast. Because progressive(that kind) thinking, in less than one week after Elon Musk finalized an agreement to buy Twitter the Department of Homeland Security, created what they are calling a Disinformation Governance Board’ dedicated to “countering misinformation.”
Lose control of Twitter? No problem! We’ll wield a word ax over any and all spoken and written words.
A Ministry of Truth is what opponents are calling it. Will the Disinformation Governance Board deem the characterization “Ministry of Truth” as misinformation?
Imagine someone running the Ministry named Nina Jankowicz. Last week, Jankowicz said she opposes The First Amendment for apparently being bad for ‘marginalized communities.’ We’d imagine marginalized communities is gobbledy gook for “minorities.”
Now that we forgave student loans, let’s get back to the real problems in this country-equity, inclusion, and diversity!
Jeez. Wasn’t it just last week that Disney execs reimagined their imaginary characters to do just that?
Imagine that.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
After completing my degree in art appreciation, I would appreciate you paying my student loans completely.
Every life is a blank canvas. Some are more blank than others.
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