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The (Not) Great Reset
We believe for a fact that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in 1963 when he shot and killed President John F. Kennedy. We believe this based on a mountain of evidence piled up over the years vs very little to the contrary. Follow the forensic and ballistic science.
President Obama said in 2014, “The shift to a cleaner energy economy won’t happen overnight, and it will require tough choices along the way. But the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact.” Clearly, he believes it. Or, at the least, he’s a great pitchman for solar and electric companies.
We believe it too as the climate has always been changing. It’s how the sun is constantly cooling for example. It’s how the lower half of Florida broke off from Louisiana and floated to its current Everglades location. Follow the science.
And clearly, the CDC, labeled yesterday on Twitter as the Center for Disinformation and Control, believes that yet another covid variant is amongst us and potentially so disruptive that they extended the airplane mask mandate another 15 days. It was supposed to fly away for good on Monday 4/18. Science.
Dr. Fauci must feel like a kid in a candy store this morning, but we digress.
That the CDC extended this mandate is beyond laughable. And, that’s the problem. It’s beyond laughable because there has to be a method to their madness. Is it another means to a bigger end?
If you believe in the “Great Reset” theory, it’s all a bit scary. We’re not sure if we do. But, clearly, something is afoot. There are too many zealots, not experts, pulling from the same side of the rope.
Masks don’t work. Doctors near and far will tell you this. You can take them off while eating. What a joke.
But don’t say that out loud. Twitter might suspend or even ban you.
The FBI might investigate you. Of course, that’s not something that you need to worry about apparently.
You don’t need a mask anywhere in the US worth talking about. Philly government buildings and NY preschools aren’t worth it.
Neither is the White House where an “emotional” Kamala forgot hers after the Judge Jackson confirmation. That’s excusable and understandable, isn’t it?
But, step on a plane and mask up or else. Control. Power.
The CEOs of the major airlines should refuse to enforce the mandate starting today. Today. It’s not legal. It’s not a law passed by Congress.
At least racism is getting fixed. Well, it’s not if you boarded a subway in Brooklyn Tuesday.
And, yesterday Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury spoke out again against climate change and in support of a carbon tax. “Climate change is a very critical problem that we need to address. The central problem is the damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions.” Yellen, the bean counter, is now yelling as a climate change expert.
Meanwhile down at the border, no masks are needed. Neither is a negative covid test. Fences? Nah. Border patrol? But, why?
Do you want cheaper gas and oil? Tough. Buy a Tesla.
Ah, Tesla. That brings us to Elon Musk. This morning he announced plans to buy Twitter. And, with the offer comes the promise that free speech on one big left-leaning social media tech platform might actually be freed.
And, with that and the upcoming midterms comes something else that we believe in. The pendulum. And, the pendulum is moving even when you think it is not.
Maybe there is light at the end of that tunnel after all.
Let us hope it’s not a NY subway train light.
Was that offensive? One can hope.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Airline CEOs won’t fight a mandate and risk being blackballed if they need a government bailout after another 9/11 attack or Omicron strain LGBTQIDGAF.
Is blackballed allowed on this platform? On Elon’s new platform?
Blackballed is allowed. LGBTQIDGAF may or may not be safe, and is under further review like almost every MLB call.
Airline CEOs should also consider solar powering their planes. Think about how close they get to the sun.
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