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Ten Piece Nuggets-Random
Our style is to have no style in this random nugget format. We think it, we write it.
- Yesterday was President’s Day, but today is President Biden’s day. Putin finally punched his dance ticket at the Ukrainian border. What will Joe have to say after saber-rattling about severe actions? Some European countries have acted already this AM with sanctions.
- Biden puffed his chest out and said during his campaign for President that Putin wanted nothing to do with old angry Joe. In fact, he said in 2019, “Putin knows that when I am President his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the US and Eastern Europe are over.” Well, that didn’t age well as the kids say.
- Funny thing is, the last time Putin’s troops visited west of the Ukrainian border was when Biden was VP under Obama. Now he gets to huff and puff again. Hopefully, it’ll have some teeth in it and not some troops in it. Could you even find Ukraine on a map without an assist from Google? Be honest.
- Whatever he says let’s hope it’s better than what our multitasking VP and US and Ukraine border czar said on the weekend while in Europe.
Responding during a Euro press gaggle to whether or not the sanctions implied could deter Putin or if it was too late, Madame VP offered, “And within the context then of the fact that that window is still opening, altho-open, although it is absolutely narrowing-but within the context of a diplomatic path still being open, the deterrence effect, we believe, has merit.” We wish we were misquoting her, even if by a little bit. Maybe that worthless mask masked the message a smidgen?
- MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell said last evening on-air that Biden has a lot of confidence and ego in his foreign policy and feels up to the task of the Putin test and gets defensive about his performance. Maybe that’s partially due to Robert Gates, the former defense secretary under Obama? He said a few years back that Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
- Let’s hope he gets it right this time. Remember, when Obama pulled the trigger on Osama Bin Laden, Biden voted thumbs down in the Situation Room on the decision. You wouldn’t want him making the heads/tails call in an NFL overtime game. He’s defensive about his defense policy, and you’d be playing defense right after the coin flip.
- Former WH Press Secretary and now CNN commenter, Joe Lockhart has confidence in Biden’s confidence.
“Whatever happens in Ukraine we shouldn’t underestimate the fact the United States has retaken the adult chair in the world,” Lockhart tweeted. “Biden has restored American leadership so damaged by Trump. The world needs us and we have a President who can and does lead.” Why doesn’t it feel like that to nearly 75% of polled US adults last week?
- Speaking of coin flips, is Tulsi Gabbard, who ran for the 2019 Democratic Presidential Nominee, a Democrat? Or, is she an Independent? Or, is she, thankfully someone that blazes her own path? The four-term former US Rep from Hawaii is confirmed as a speaker this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Principals and actions speak louder than affiliations. Where is this all going? Only 2024 knows. Fox News is interested. She’s on the network a time or two each weeknight these days.
- And then there was one. Hawaii stands as the final state with a mask mandate, over two years after the start of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Every other state in the country has ended (some long ago) or announced plans to end their respective mask mandates in the very near future. What a waste of the fresh air that surrounds the islands. They’ll get wind of what’s right though, and soon. The trade winds are blowing and so are the 2022 midterm political winds.
- Soon, but not soon enough, we’ll forget words and phrases that dominated our lives for two years. Here are just a few, but also way too many. Social distancing. N95. Two weeks to flatten the curve. Spikes. Horse pills. Hydroxychloroquine. NIH. FDA. CDC. The new normal. Antivaxxer. Provaxx. Ivermectin. And the most absurd, we’re all in this, together. Correction, the most absurd, follow the science. Nugget 10 would not be possible without a shoutout to Dr. Anthony Fauci. Thanks, Tony.
As a reminder, today is 2/22/22. We cannot wait for 2:22 PM.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Oh the sweet fragrance of nuggets in the fryer. Hard to beat and almost never replicated. There’s something to a scent like that. Add waffles before noon, and its damn near perfect.
I love the VP getting her feet wet in the kiddie pool. We can all dismiss the cold water shock and the bad pedicure. She has little to add and what did we expect? No experience at handing strong personalities and leadership. Out side of being Willie Browns mistress, what and who has she even confronted? But the world events are way over her ability to consume let alone digest and no probiotic will help her with theses waffles.
Tulsi on the other hand is an interesting study. While much respect is afforded to her with her military service, she’s going to have to please her home state in the short term. She’s a dem and very popular in Hawaii but they are a dem state. People in Hawaii hang very loose until the sirens go off and high alerts kick in. I personally just went through a 1am siren and it’s funny to hear about military fitness and political hawks at the morning after breakfast table.
Not one time was I asked to put my mask on while on the big island other than strolling through the airport. They were far more relaxed than anything I saw reported and Doc Anthony would have been more worried than an IRS agent in church.
Your appetite for nuggets is more voracious than Mike Tyson’s for his opponents’ children. Too soon? Always too soon?
For your appetizer you could have a tomato or a tomatoe, said Dan Qualye. Qualye was consumed by the media like the small feathered peasant/pheasant that he was.
But Kamala is well on her way to taking the cake. Will the media turn up the heat once the cold front in the cold war blows through Ukraine?
Carter always wanted the thermostat up to save energy. Biden just wants the price up.
Today is also national margarita day ! It may be the best thing going right now . Oh & let’s go Brandon .
Salt or no salt? In today’s supply chain less world maybe that is no longer even a question.
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