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Ten Piece Nuggets-Random
If you’re waiting anxiously at your door for a block of ice delivery from Canada it might be a while. But, if you’re waiting for your delivery of some tasty nuggets, we’ve got ten on your virtual doorstep below.
- The contrast between the summer of 2020 discontent in America and the Canadian Freedom Convoy protest approaches polar opposites. Up north it’s mostly peaceful while south of the frozen Canadian tundra it was said to be mostly peaceful. Americans lit cities on fire. Canadians are lighting wood in barrels on fire to stay warm. America allowed the destruction and took little to no action against the instigators. PM Trudeau has invoked the Emergency Act in an attempt to freeze banks accounts, take gas away, and tow trucks from the streets.
- Trudeau’s temper tantrum seems a bit harsh. But, it is two separate countries on one continent. To each their own. Still, no one remembers Antifa nor BLM having funds frozen in 2020. But, you might remember certain politicians (Kamala Harris), corporations, and actors donating money to the causes or the rare need for bail money. And, now a lot of that money has gone missing, but we digress.
- As Special Council Durham
Durham Means Business It Seems continues his journey into purported spying, lying, and trumped-up Russian ties/allegations against Trump, the so-called mainstream media remains eerily quiet. How the world of journalism has changed from by the book factual investigative reporting to cheerleading for one side or the other in the last 40 years is fascinating and terribly disappointing. Deep Throat, if we knew who he or she was, would have a sore throat trying to get someone to listen to them.
- If there was even a hint that Trump spied on the Biden White House can you imagine the fervor? Maybe this is a big nothing burger. But indictments are coming in the dozens and soon. Better to cover what turns out to be a non-story than to not cover a story you would think.
- On 10/31/16, just seven days prior to the general election Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton tweeted out, “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank. This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery to Trump’s ties to Russia.” Did she omit the part about her operation trumping up the charges and paying for the head fake? We will see.
- You can vote early (today) in Texas for their 3/1 primaries setting up the November elections. The gubernatorial primary comes down to incumbent Greg Abbott getting 50% plus one vote to advance to meet Beto O’Rourke from the left in the general. O’ Rourke has already announced that he wants no part of Biden in Texas to “help” him.
Lost to Cruz and Biden. It’s Abbott for the Hat Trick. Yesterday he walked as far away from his 2019 attack on gun owners (we’re going to take away their AR15s and AK47s) when he said “I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone.” Why the sudden change of heart deep in the Heart of Texas? Polls. He trails Abbott by about 58-42% in most polls.
- Get ready to roll up your sleeve every year from now till death. A high-ranking US FDA Officer on a hidden camera revealed the government’s future Covid policy. “Joe Biden wants to innoculate as many as possible.” “You’ll have to get an annual shot.” The FDA is not going to not approve it.”
- Dr. Fauci couldn’t agree more. He was on MSNBC last evening with Chris Hayes and said, “You may be done with COVID, but COVID is not done with the US, nor is it done with the world.” He went on, “the protection with boosting is profound.” This contradicts a Pfizer news release last Friday that showed their booster’s efficacy diminishes greatly after four months. Maybe it’s three shots a year every year till death do us part.
- NBC is strutting its peacock feathers as viewership of its conventional broadcast and streaming of Super Bowl LVI totaled 112.3 million viewers. That was up 13% from last year and nearly an all-time high. If you thought Kapernick and his knee would break the NFL think again. It’s a marketing and brand machine the world over.
- Well, it is except in Los Angeles who hosted the party/game and had the hometown Rams playing and winning it. LA didn’t make the top ten markets in viewership per Nielsen. Cincinnati lost the game but won the Nielsen’s as it had the highest audience share in the country. It was 80 plus degrees in LA and sunny. Isn’t it always? There were better things to do.
You’ve been served.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
So much content, so little time. I cant wait every week for these nuggets. It’s pleases the soul and tightens the jaw. In an attempt to be much less political about our former president, I’ve taken to calling him Mr. T.
There are many reasons for doing this but best of all, he speaks in relatively similar ways to our original Super Hero of the 80’s TV series. The new Mr. T, doesn’t play by anyone’s book. He stretches the boundaries of everything he touches including the constitution. Top secret docs, no problem call Joey the Roto-Rooter guy after we hit the bowl.
Mira Lago is just another filing cabinet. Nothing here to see. My real estate holdings are way more valuable than what you think. After all I created them. The former Mr. T. Valued is gold chains at a higher value too.
So now you know why I’m not calling T by name. It would be too political and extremely decisive. But everyone knows the fit is about to hit the Shan and well deserved. The only thing to do is what was done by NBC years ago. make no more episodes and let syndications bleed what it must.
I really pity this fool.
Wow. Perhaps a second career is born. TV show scriptwriting is the skill set. Just like borders, there are no boundaries. Let your virtual pen be your guide. Aim high, but not too high, for the bar is low.
The reasons for the poor turn out for the Rams at the Super Bowl are plenty.
1. The baked “Legalize Marijuana” groupies thought the Rams were still playing in St. Louis.
2. Millennials heard the half time concert featured a bunch of washed up “boomer” rappers.
3. Mayer Garcetti announced masks would not be required, but everyone would have to hold their breath for the entire game to prevent a super spreader event.
4. Moms were mask shopping for their school age kids, and dads heard one beer cost $17.
5. Therapy dogs were unavailable at SoFi for those offended by NBCs live streaming channel, Peacock!
Somehow this comment wound up in the trash can and only this week. That’s quite weird, like most Rams fans, we suppose.
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