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Ten Piece Nuggets-Random
There’s some good news and bad news in our world as we know it on 1/19/22. And today you’ll need to take the good with the bad. And in a marked departure from our inflationary times, you’ll get 12 for the price of 10. Yum.
- Good news- Pfizer said its Covid-19 pill approved by the FDA, Paxlovid, was effective against the Omicron virus in three early but promising tests.
- Bad news- The treatment will not be available till June when the next variant, if there is one, will be prevalent and Omicron will be long gone.
- Good news- At least the pill will be free. Your US Government has already cornered the market, as it purchased 20 million courses of treatment.
- Bad news- The pill will be free to you, but not our government. That really means that the pill won’t be free to you any more than all of these other handouts that aren’t free.
- Good news- Bill de Blasio announced that he would put every fiber of his being into fighting inequality in the state of New York, but would not be running for governor.
- Bad news- Real estate prices in Florida just took a 5% haircut.
- Good news- CNN is going to create a “team dedicated to covering misinformation.” Will episode one cover the Chris Cuomo coverup?
- Bad news- No new hiring or flights are needed to cover it and bolster our economy as all of the misinformation is already in-house.
- Good news- In 2021 the stock market fared quite well in spite of supply chain, inflation, Afghanistan, Covid-19, and southern border problems.
- Bad news- It’s 2022, and the stock market taketh what the stock market giveth.
- Good news- President Biden will hold a rare press conference today surely giving us hope for tomorrow, one day short of the first anniversary of him taking office.
- Bad news- Three years to go. Does he know?
We hope you enjoyed the nuggets- short and sweet.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
He better give us hope for tomorrow. He didn’t give us hope for today.
We doubt it. BBR has sources that indicate that Biden woke up this morning and put his shirt on and the button fell off. He picked up his briefcase to go to the White House and the handle fell off. At this point, he’s afraid to go to the bathroom!
No worries about Joe’s bathroom issue. Depends will handle it.
Good and bad is always a strong tug of war platform. But what if we don’t know which side of ledger things belong? And at what point? Yesterday’s bad news is sometimes good news tomorrow. Like the truth behind the rumor that Hillary will run, and will choose a reasonable running mate, may be good or bad.
Will Romney take another run? Is Tom Cotton his running mate? Do we see anyone else that has impact and a national voice?
We’ll take a stab.
The ledger………….TN- Terrible news. BN- Bad news. GN- Good news.
Romney TN. Cotton GN. De Santis GN. Nikki Haley GN. Trump TN.
Hillary TTN (terrible terrible news).
Could you fathom a 2024 election Hillary v The Donald? Say it ain’t so?
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