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Crime Time

Long before Kamala Harris was named Border in Chief she ran quite poorly for Commander in Chief.   Prior to that she was a Senator, and prior to that she was the Attorney General for the State of California.

As AG her number one job was to prosecute individuals that the state felt were guilty of a crime.  You would think she knows a criminal when she sees a criminal.  You would also think that she would know well enough to refrain from jumping to conclusions until facts around such cases are researched.

Back in 2019 when the Jussie Smollett circus came to a town known as Chicago, Kamala tweeted, “@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern-day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.”

Well, that didn’t age well.  Madame VP has yet to tweet or publicly speak to the Smollett guilty verdicts nor her rush to judgment.  Remember BBR lecture no. 23- never let facts get in the way of a good narrative.

There are/were so many lessons to be learned right there in the Windy City.

But, the Mayor of the Windy City, Lori Lightfoot disagrees.  You would think she would know better as well.

Her thoughts?   She essentially told the retail community to fix the crime issue themselves.

She specifically mentioned security guards at the door, entrance cameras, merchandise “either chained and roped or put behind glass” and customers being “buzzed into” stores.

On Thursday, Illinois Retail Merchants Association President Rob Karr flatly rejected all of the mayor’s ideas.

He branded the suggestions “extraordinarily disheartening,” “misinformed” and “false”—yet another example of how Lightfoot “continues to point fingers and play the blame game.”

And he continued, “We’d be getting screamed at for [racial profiling].  And furthermore, it would push more people to simply go online. Why would you go to a store if you can’t touch, feel and try on the merchandise?”

And online is where the stolen merchandise is going for resale. Looks like these mobs “fence” the goods on Al Gore’s internet.

As if brick-and-mortar didn’t have enough problems dealing with online, now they are paying for the products, displaying them, losing the cost dollars when stolen, and watching online third-party “retailers” gain 100% profit from them.

If the local government won’t help, how about the federal government?

Twenty CEOs at major retailers sent a letter addressed to congressional leadership on Thursday asking lawmakers to pass legislation to help curb illegal business activity by anonymous vendors online.

What to do?  What to do?

With her border now under control, maybe Biden can assign the former AG, now VP, to tackle this difficult situation.

Her judicial eyesight is so good she can spot a crook on a snowy night at 4 AM from hundreds of miles away.








Comment section

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  • What’s coming is the real threat of a shopkeeper taking things into their own hands. Hiring real soldier of fortune security officers, creating a vault or cell for suspects, and making people pay a price for making bad decisions and creating more victims.

    When prosecutors and judges wont punish felons reasonably and completely, this kind of stuff spreads like manure on the Iowa plains. We are going to see more bad sanctuary (criminals sanctuary) cities take a beating until something changes.

    Our infamous mongoose in the VP office is nothing more than a stuffed animal. A California AG has never held up to national need or scrutiny and she’s the poster girl for more of the same. We can only hope that this stuff gets a chance to heal itself to some degree but I’m not holding my breath.

    • Lori Lightfoot is lighter in the head than the foot. Just chain everything down, you morons.
      Gavin has the mask mandates going again. Now that he stymied covid again, maybe he could spend a minute on a plan to stymie criminals.
      And, lastly, we predict that the Kamala/Joe team won’t run again as is. Maybe one, maybe another, not both. Hillary line two.

      • The Kamala/Joe team is dead in the water. My prediction is that Joe’s handlers will fire Kamala but report it as “she needs to spend more time with her family”. The handlers will then replace her with Hillary. After a comfortable amount of time, the handlers will then report that Joe has a serious medical issue…not his mind…and he will be “retiring” for medical reasons. BINGO…Hillary gets what she has always wanted. Any adds on this one?

  • That letter from the CEOs will do about as much good as me writing a letter to Arnold Palmer to please send me a set of his golf clubs (when he was alive).