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Yin and Yang
If America had a nickel for every time a politician said “we need to come together as a nation and move forward,” America wouldn’t be in debt. Well, it still would be actually based on the “free” for all mentality we have in place now. But, go with it anyway.
The truth is we never come together in the absolute sense of the phrase. We aren’t even built that way as the checks and balances that our founding fathers (can you still say that?) put in place some 245 years ago create what used to be a purposeful debate. And, we should thank them for that.
But, way back when we did a much better job of putting the country first and the agendas of factions thereof second.
Remember when House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill and Ronald Reagan would top off Tip’s glass of Scotch and hammer out a deal while Tip got hammered?
Bill Clinton’s tenure at the top produced nearly balanced budgets and a budget surplus once or twice. He signed into law the three strikes and you’re out legislation. The border was ours and we protected it well. As a friendly reminder, Clinton was a Democrat. But most all Americans saw these policies as effective, not just the more moderate left back then.
No more, and close isn’t close.
So, what to do? Well solving it on just one quick dip of the pen in the ink well is far too ambitious. But, with an early eye on 2024, we have an idea to try on.
Biden has no shot unless you count his three and counting “vaccine” shots. Kamala will be off creating a new gameboard phenomenon called “Where’s Kamala?” She’s practicing and perfecting it now.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the President and Vice President of the United States, Ron DeSantis(R) and Tulsi Gabbard(D).
Did you see the R and D inside of those parentheses? Of course, you did.
Forget if you like DeSantis or not. The pendulum always swings and it’s swinging right now. The Republicans will return to the highest office in the land, mail-in ballots or not. It’s him or someone else from the right.
The point is, what if he used his Floridian stones to go where only Abe Lincoln and Andrew Johnson have gone before? Nominate the opposite party as your running mate. He’s not afraid to make bold moves and take chances.
At a minimum, for the Republicans, it would(should) neuter the every four-years “war on women” nonsense that the Dems drag out. The cries of misogyny would be dampened. And it reaches across the aisle like never before. It might even make Morning Joe happy, or infuriated, or both.
She seems very even-keeled, intelligent, and moderate in her views. She could be the yin and Ron the yang. Her actions (military service) and her words always seem to try to put America, not her party, first.
And, most of all “we could come together as a nation and move forward.”
Couldn’t we?
Sure, probably, maybe, doubtfully, no chance.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
This is a stroke of military genius by the BBR staff. Well done!
BBR sees what you did there.
No chance. But I like the combo platter. Big improvement overTweedledee and Tweedledum.
Keep hope alive.
It would be something though, wouldn’t it?
Yes sir, it would.
Big Ron is not my pick for winning the nom. I think he’s in the mix but has too many skeletons. I’m not sure who the best person for the job is but right now it looks like a toss up. Trump will try, but a criminal conviction may keep him on the sideline. Don’t fall asleep on Tom Cotton. Small market mentality may be in vogue as inflation and unemployment start to weigh heavily late in the No-Doz administration.
Skeletons ceased to be important to the public years ago it seems.
BBR ain’t picking Cotton only because in limited viewing it sounds like he’s as dry as Pence.
It’s early but it’s DeSantis in a walkover for now. Trumplike, but not too Trumplike.
Trump is the Republicans’ worst enemy and best friend at the same time.
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