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Booster Palooza

This medical update is brought to you by Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J.  Or, should we have said their financial update?

Cue Sonny of Cher fame.  And the beat goes on.  And the beat goes on.  Cue your trustworthy government.  And the boosters go on.  And on.  And on.

Let’s start the check-up by looking at some very recent events.

“General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19,” the Powell family wrote on Facebook, noting he was fully vaccinated.  Maybe it’s just a rare breakthrough case you say?

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who is vaccinated against Covid-19, tested positive for the virus on Tuesday morning, according to department spokesperson Marsha Espinosa.  Maybe it’s yet just another rare breakthrough case?

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday excused President Biden’s decision to not wear a mask inside a DC restaurant as “moments in time that don’t reflect overarching policy.”  “I would say, of course, there are moments when we all don’t put masks back on as quickly as we should.”

This brushed aside, unmasked, wordless “gaffe” happened just a few short days after Biden interacted with the now infected Secretary Mayorkas.  Don’t worry though, Biden’s recent coughing and sneezing was only a common cold.

Where is the contact tracing police? Ha, that’s a good one.  It’s a worthless exercise.  It’s like chasing loose change in a tumbling dryer.

Well, you get the picture, and it isn’t a pretty one.

But, it does seem clear that being vaccinated does significantly reduce the risk of getting a case requiring hospitalization pretty dramatically.  That is good.

Does natural immunity do the same?  Someone tell us yes or no, please.

But when will the American citizens get the bigger picture?  How much longer do you want to be told what you can and cannot do with or without a mask, socially distanced or not, vaccinated or not?

NCAA football fans seem over it.  Fauci worried weeks ago about these superspreader events that aren’t superspreader events.  If he placed money on black and red on the roulette wheel, you should get down on green.

Do you know that POTUS’s jab mandate for employers of 100 or more is making its way through the bureaucracy?  It’s not final yet, but should be in a few weeks.

It sounds like a good idea.  But, fully one-third of the nation’s workforce is employed by companies that have less than one hundred employees.  Why stop the soon-to-be legally challenged mandate at 100 plus?

And, can anyone tell you what your immunity is after contracting the disease versus a jab?  Two jabs?  Three?  Why stop at three?

That’s info that Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J would prefer you not really know, understand, or embrace.

The FDA fills the gap.  It now recommends that the heretofore J&J one-and-done shot gets an extra free shot. It even approved the booster, get this, by having one of its advisors say “we approved the booster more on gut feeling than facts.”  And to make it all the easier the FDA is expected to approve this week a mix and match of three companies elixir along the booster highway.    Comforting all, isn’t it?

Around and around we go as it’s money, money, money for the pharms, and free, free, free for the minions.  Didn’t your dad tell you “nothing is free?”

Biden actually said weeks ago that the time has come that “we must protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.”   It sounded ludicrous.  It turns out that maybe it didn’t go far enough.

Maybe we need to find a way to protect the vaccinated from the vaccinated.

Pfizer’s ears just heard its pockets jingle.