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The New Wor(l)d Police

Psst.  Did you hear the one about the Catholic priest, the rabbi, the Irishman, and the rooster?  Of course, you didn’t.  It’s no joke anymore.

Once upon a time, people found it funny to poke fun at themselves and others with the use of stereotypical jokes.  No more.  It’s deemed racially insensitive and sometimes even more.  Don Rickles would need a different occupation today.

The free speech police, over the course of time, switched sides.  Once, its job was to protect.  Now, its job is to deem what is allowed and what is not.

And, when the utterance is divisive, uncalled for, and downright mean even greater consequences loom.  We aren’t here to judge the change in the wind, we’re here to examine its hypocrisy at times.

And, one of those times might be 2011, though we only heard about it in late 2021.  The guilty party, you ask?  Jon Gruden.

What did he say back then?  It’s actually what he wrote.

Gruden emailed then-Washington Football Team president Bruce Allen about DeMaurice Smith, back in 2011.  “Dumboriss Smith has lips the size of michellin tires,” he wrote.  That qualifies for insensitive at the very least and misspelled as well.  But, you get the picture he painted.

Gruden later told ESPN he used the term “rubber lips” to describe someone he saw as lying and that he was frustrated by the lockout at the time and failed negotiations between Smith and Goodell.

And, now here comes the word police to solve the ten-year-old crime and administer punishment as well.  Judges and juries come as a package deal these days.

Some close to Commissioner Roger Goodell believe that ultimately a hefty fine and further diversity and inclusion training will be forthcoming, with a suspension possible.  But they also suggested that there are not many comparable situations to this and that other evidence could necessarily lead to a more intense punishment.

Other evidence?  Sounds like it’s time for an investigation.  Send in Kenneth Starr.

Gruden was working for ESPN at the time, not the NFL.  But, that won’t stop the NFL, or his current employer the LA Raiders, from doing what they deem necessary.

“The email from Jon Gruden denigrating DeMaurice Smith is appalling, abhorrent, and wholly contrary to the NFL’s values,” the league office’s official statement read.

There is an irony that Gruden wrote to one of the ultimate decision-makers of a team that at that time was known as the Washington Redskins.   Public sentiment in 2011 and prior strongly suggested that the Redskins change their nickname.

Did the league consider the nickname appalling, abhorrent, and wholly contrary to its values in 2011?  Does it now?  Will the league look back to its behavior then and fine itself somehow?  No.  Maybe some additional sensitivity training?

Daniel Snyder, the owner of the now nicknamed “Football Team” wasn’t ever going to change the nickname.  But, a #metoo movement swept through America in 2017 and with it swept out an exposed “boys club” mentality in the Washington front office.  Like the nickname, sexual harassment was a part of everyday life inside the organization.

Snyder did the NFL a solid and the NFL threw Snyder a lifeline.  Really, that’s more boys club at its finest.

Did the league consider the front office behavior appalling, abhorrent, and wholly contrary to its values then?  Will the league now investigate and fine Snyder or his team now for its behavior then?  No.

Google and Facebook are companies that decided a while back to control the narrative by limiting what you can say or write on their platforms.  It’s their right. The NFL can do the same on its own turf.  But now we get the NFL reaching into a private email written when Gruden was not employed by the NFL over a decade ago.

The slope is slippery.

The bill of rights protects the act of burning an American flag as freedom of expression. You don’t have to like it, just respect it.

It also protects freedom of speech, ignorant or otherwise.  You don’t have to like it, just respect it.

Well, it used to.


Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Shouldn’t we also go back to 2007, and review Joe Biden’s racist comments, such as

    “You CANNOT go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts without an Indian accent.”

    Referring to Barrack Hussein Obama, Mr. VP candidate at the time said…

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    He wasn’t working for the Office of the President at the time, but consequences await, none the less, right?

    • Our staffer actually contemplated tossing a few Biden racial “gaffes” into the body of the story to strengthen the point. You did, and our editorial staff feels like they are spot on.
      Consequences only come to the folks on the wrong side of the spewed narrative.

  • The big problem here in this situation is that the coaches don’t have a union. If this happened to be a player and not a coach, the “union” would stand up for the player accused and the kangaroo court would commence. An apology and circumstances would generally prevail in a manner similar to your explanation.

    But…because there is no formal representation for coaches, they are basically fed to Roger’s wolves and the media as such. Was it something that should have been said? No. Was it made in a responsible and well intended setting? No. Is it a teachable moment? Absolutely. Let’s teach and reap the benefits of a mistake not owned by you or me.

    • Fair and balanced as usual Raptor. It’s disappointing that society takes three wrongs and thinks that they are trying to make something right.

  • I find it offensive that you think there should be a joke about a catholic priest, a Rabbi, an Irishman and a rooster. I am Irish catholic but identify as a Jewish Rooster.

    • Sounds odd, but considering the times we live in I suppose you can add “roster” to your list of pronouns that you identify with.

    • Wait until they look into your checking account for any and all transactions exceeding $600.