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If A Tree Falls…

Unless you live under a rock you know that 10-15k Haitian migrants have been living under a bridge on the border in Del Rio, TX for about 10 days and counting.

What you may not know is that in mid-sentence of answering a question yesterday (presumably about Ireland), UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was cut off by a White House staff that ushered all UK and US reporters out of the room.

This was only one and one-half answer in for the Prime Minister, and after President Joe Biden had answered “good luck” to Johnson when he first suggested that the two begin taking questions.  Biden and Boris watched the herding out of the reporters with the look of second-graders when first introduced to long division.  There sat Plugs and Shag Rugs.

The migrants’ ten-day fiasco and the three-minutes and halted Q and A have much in common.   They are both unfortunate examples of the Biden Administration’s over-the-top, incessant attempt to control the content, its narrative, as well as Biden’s exposure to the press to account for any and all things pertinent to running this country.

Consider the following.

  1. None of the Haitians are directly from Haiti, hence the term migrants, not refugees.  Every single one interviewed thus far stated that they have been living in Brazil, Mexico, or in one of a few Central American countries.  They’re claiming refugee status in light of the recent events in Haiti as a cover for entry.  Biden kicked that door wide open months back.
  2. The Del Rio crossing as well as other entry points across the Rio Grande have gone unmanned in recent weeks.  The Biden team told the Border Patrol to stand down entirely.  Open borders it is.
  3. It is believed that Haitian’s are only 3% vaccinated.  Americans can’t walk into restaurants without one or two jabs, but it’s no problem for entry via our borders.
  4. On Sunday talk shows DHS and ICE leaders told America that everyone was going to get a one-way ticket back to Haiti.  Crisis solved. Nothing to see here.  Never mind that they don’t live there anymore.  Also, as of yesterday, only about 300 have been flown back. Over 1000 have caught buses bound to who knows where in the US sans any documentation.  And, most of all, estimates range from 10k to 30k people caravans of additional migrants headed to Del Rio from all parts south.
  5. The FAA over the weekend prohibited Fox News from flying drones over the site.  If you can’t see the crisis is there a crisis?  Other networks finally started covering the mess days later.  If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is it sound?  Yesterday, the FAA relented.
  6.  Politicians and left-wing media types spent the last 48 hours comparing pictures of border patrol officers “whipping” Haitians to slavery, systemic racism, 100 years ago, etc.  The incensed officers pushed back yesterday saying no one was hit, the whips were actually horse reins and are swung for the horse to see to control their movements in crowds.   Doesn’t the Biden team control the border patrol?  They stood down two weeks ago when asked.
  7. Seldom seen Border Czar Comma La Harris called the images “very disturbing.”  CNN shrill Chris Cuomo compared the horse scene to the aforementioned slavery.  Cuomo may have a bit of a horse face, but his familiarity with equines likely stops there.  Forget the illegality of the crossing, the terrible conditions, the heat.  Forget the green card.  Play the race card.
  8.  Texas Governor Abbott yesterday finally put a halt to the unfettered crossings with Texas Ranger vehicles blocking the way.  He did what the federal government paid lip service to.  Somehow, he’ll be the bad guy now.  Isn’t that what the left wants anyway?

Walking out of the UN Council yesterday morning a masked Biden was asked what he was going to do about the “out of control border crisis.”  He answered simply, “we’ll get it under control.”  That’s it on day ten of this mess, five words.

The administration must be proud.  Plan executed.  You know, less is more.

Oh, and he must have been following the science wearing the mask.  Remember, he said sternly two weeks back that we need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.  Haitians aside we presume.



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  • Ok, so our Senators and Reps are now experts in Equine behavior? I saw this commentary last night. You are correct, reins not whips. And that circular motion to the side keeps the horse from charging or stomping on said trespassers. A whip is a completely different tool, just ask Clint Eastwood.

    What’s interesting is that the horses are actually better behaved and more compliant than those reporting the news and the congressional mouthpieces.

    Actually the whips on the carriages in Cuomo’s old neighborhood are more dangerous than these reins.