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Gov Ron Talks Green

Getting a head start on a 2024 Republican presidential nominee run, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis didn’t have enough time to stop by the CNN World Headquarters yesterday.  But if he did, our guess as to how the Q and A would have gone on one subject that the left incessantly brings to the fore follows.  He gets right to the point for a politician, thankfully.

Governor DeSantis, do you believe in climate change?  And, if you do and are elected, what do you plan to do about it?  

I do believe in climate change and I have my entire life.

Have you ever visited Sedona, Arizona?   First of all, you should.  Sedona is absolutely beautiful.  It’s a well-kept American destination secret that should be on your bucket list.  Sedona has elevation changes in the many thousands of feet.  The desert mountains rapidly change color as the sun sets.  But millions of years ago, there were no mountains there.  An amazing fact is that the mountains are all quite flat on top because they were actually the sea bottom then. The entire area was 100’s of feet underwater. There was no desert there.  In fact, there was no Sedona.  The earth continues to evolve, we’re just uninvited guests sitting on it.

It’s remarkable and but one example of the fact that the climate has always been changing and always will.

Oh, and the sun is actually cooling a bit every day as well, but thankfully for us, it’s going to run pretty hot for a long while.

But, we’re talking about global warming, and Miami falling into the Atlantic, and fossil fuel emissions.

Look, let me get this straight.  Do you want your government to spend trillions of dollars to supposedly do the job now that our government failed to do in the last 100 years?  In other words, tax Americans, or spend money that we don’t have, to fund the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) the U.S. Forest Service (USDA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)?

That sounds like throwing bad money on top of more bad money to way too many agencies.   And, you want to offer great incentives to green new deal companies as well?  How about we let good old capitalism find its way.  If Americans want green they’ll pay for it.  Stop giving away money that we don’t have.

Also, understand this.  America’s carbon footprint is in the shadow of India and China’s.  If you want real change, you need real negotiations with our neighbors who share the planet and belch out several more times the carbon emissions.  Without them, any changes we make are window dressings on an open window.

But, Andrew Yang said last year in the Democratic primaries that we are running out of time and might have only 11 more years to save the planet.

Inventor of the Internet

Yang doesn’t know any more than Al Gore does. Al Gore said the same thing 30 years ago.  He lives in a 7000 sq foot mansion with six ACs.  Do as I say, not as I do.  Yang wants to give away money and is moving the goalposts.  At least Al Gore invented the internet.

What about all of the hurricanes? 

It’s August 2nd and I haven’t heard a peep out of the Gulf yet, have you?

It was 105 degrees in Portland Friday.

Did it slow down the mostly peaceful protests? The rioting? Looting?

Um, thanks for the time Governor. 

Thank you as well.  I’ve got a petroleum-based fueled 737 to catch.


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