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Hey Big Spender!

Dr. Fauci and the CDC have spent a year hard at work.  And, thanks to their great efforts now you can go back to work and pay some taxes.

Actually, Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson have spent a year hard at work, not your government, but we digress already.

But, now your government is hard at work attempting to spend more money that we don’t collect in taxes.  Actually, they have always been hard at work spending money that we don’t have.  US debt in 1990 was 3 trillion bucks.  By 2000 it was $6 trillion.  In 2010 it reached $12 trillion.  In 2020 it raced to $27 trillion.  And, by year’s end 2021 we’ll cross $29 trillion at a minimum.

Do you see a pattern of behavior from the math above?  Of course, you do.   But, notice that doubling the debt every decade is out of style.  If it were still in style the figure for 2020 would be $24 trillion.  But add another $5 trillion to that as well.

But wait, there’s more.

It’s the golden rule.  He who has the gold makes the rules.  Except in the American government, it’s the power rule.  He who has the power makes the rules.  And, they propose the budget.  Or, we should say they write the spending bills?

President Biden, aka The Big Spender, has proposed a $2.7 trillion infrastructure spend.  And, almost $700 billion of it has to do with infrastructure as you know it.  The rest is pork.  Green New Deal like pork.  Far-left pork.  You have to feed the hungry minds that got you there.

And, the Republicans are outraged.  “Way too much,” they say.  And, after a $700 billion counter from them, Biden countered at $1.7 trillion.  How so very nice of both of them to offer to spend less of what we don’t have.  And, now?  And, now both sides seem to be willing to dance at about $1 trillion.  How so very nice of them, we repeat.

The Republicans refuse to budge on the 2017 individual and corporate tax cuts as a bargaining chip to agree to $1 trillion.  Swell.  We’re ok to spend more, we’re just not ok to approve paying for it.  It’s not hard to understand why they are the minority party.  Mitch McConnell couldn’t sell bourbon to his Kentucky constituents.

Seems like Biden, aka The Great Compromiser, is willing to drop a few dimes off of the human infrastructure part(s) of the infrastructure deal.  What’s human infrastructure, you ask?  Really, it’s just a fancy way of saying pork, but not saying pork.

Notice, both sides of the aisle are ready to spend.  It’s only a matter of how much and when.

But, wait, there’s even more.

This AM The NY Times breaks a story, surely leaked by the Biden team, that his 2022 budget calls for $6 trillion in spending.  The 2021 spending side of the budget (a misnomer if we ever heard one) sits at a fat $4.8 trillion.

So, what do you say we ask Congress for a teeny itty bitty 25% increase in government spending?  Most year-over-year asks come in along the lines of the cost of living increases (roughly 2-4%).  Can’t you hear them?  “This isn’t the time to cut back, we’re coming out of a pandemic.  People are hurting.”  When is a good time?  We wonder?

The Democrats are always a step ahead.  While you’re debating the infrastructure, we’ll propose breaking the bank with next year’s spend.  By the time Congress gets to the budget,  the White House will propose, oh, say, that DC becomes a state?

It’s the largest proposed increase since WWII.

And, we’re not even at war.

At least, we’re not at war with another country, just our own.



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Trump was the Dems worse nightmare. He was going to make you pay in blood 🩸 if you negotiated.

    The rest of the Republican Party makes you pay when they negotiate.

    • True, but Trump spent just like the drunken sailor that Chuck Schumer is….

  • after reading the latest BBM , I went out for breakfast had 3 eggs soft , extra Bacon and extra Sausage , why not ….. Dinner YES – Pork Chops

  • If we keep writing checks to people that can’t and won’t work, it will be worse. Get to work people!

    • Restaurants are going to get worse, as more folks come in and are disappointed, not better.