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$pring Break

In case you missed it, and we hope you did, the University of California, Davis offered its students $75 to not travel during spring break.

How so very thoughtful of them.  Let’s break it down.

They used mom and dad’s tuition money and gave it to mom and dad’s kids to get in an attempt to control the kid’s actions.

Does that sound at all like the government taking your tax dollars and then spending them in any fashion they deem necessary in an attempt to control your everyday life?  Stay home, we have $1400 on the way as a minuscule part (9%)  of the $1.9 trillion we just spent.

Power is a drug more powerful than any approved COVID-19 vaccine.  Control is the by-product high.

What better way to enjoy the $60k tuition school year is there?  Hey kids, listen up.  How about we have virtual classes and a virtual spring break?

Some other colleges, including The Universities of Michigan, Tennessee, and Baylor amended their calendars to do away with spring break altogether.

The predictable responses are flowing from the CDC and the honorable Dr. Fauci almost as fast as the beer from the taps of the millions that ignore them.

“Last year at this time spring break travel may have led to the super spread of the virus,” says a Ball St study.  Dr. Fauci said yesterday, “this is no time to let your guard down based on what may happen.”   May.

“The behavior of Americans in the months of March and April will be critical in preventing another surge,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said earlier this month.  Who knew that the CDC had a flying Walensky?  But we digress.

Next thing you know they’ll be telling us there are variant strains that will require us to, well, nevermind.

Speaking of flying, the TSA screened 1.3 mil and 1.2 mil passengers this past Friday and Saturday, a sure sign that Americans and spring breakers are moving on with their lives.

If you are/were somewhere between the ages of 18-22, what would you do?  You could take the $75 bucks that your parents paid the school.  Or you could go risk it all on a beach chasing fun in the sun with a 99.99999% chance that even if you contract the virus you’ll dispense of it as quickly as you got it.

Or, you could take the $75 and still fill the Volkswagen love van with petro and drive to the beach.  Ah hah.  Who said education doesn’t pay?

Remember when we needed to shut down for two weeks to slow the spread?  That was a year ago.

California, home of Cal Davis, is still mostly shut down.  How’s that working out?

For Gavin Newsom not so well.   He felt free to move about while instituting the lockdown and now he might get ousted.

Remember, feel free to stay home as long as you like.

And, you used to feel free to go to the beaches as well.


Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Me ,,Feeling like a Million $$$$ – Have 2 shots in my arm , Time for Spring Break for me ,,, what for $75.00 I can stay home– Hummmmm …Keep the 75.00
    Ahhhh Time for a Denver Trip to see my daughter and then Arizona … Be well , stay safe –

    • Enjoy. And, remember with inflation on the doorstep, feeling like a million ain’t what it used to be.

  • “15 days to slow the spread” really meant, “15 days to see if you fools do what we say”. If you obey, we will drag this crap out for over a year.

    • Watch out for the variants. They’re on the way. Biden says we can maybe celebrate in small groups our independence on 7/4, whatever is left of it that is.

  • California is the place to go if you want things handed to you. How about the teachers and management staff getting bonuses to stay home. Of course this was all part of the “Covid” relief package so it must be the right thing to do.

    • Pelosi also incentivized construction workers to not stay at home and build for her the $75 million tunnel in her district appropriated in the bill. It’s funny, stay home we’ll pay you. Come to work for my needs we’ll pay you.

  • Shared this excellent piece on fb. (Bookface as my hubs calls it) Let’s see if I get censored