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Tomorrow is Election Day.  You already knew that though didn’t you?

Have you already voted?   Good for you if you did.   It seems like it’s more than your right.  It’s your civic duty.

It is estimated that over 80 million mostly U.S. citizens have voted early in these unprecedented, Covid 2020 times.  In 2016 rounded numbers, Hillary Clinton garnered 66 million of the popular votes while now President Trump got 63 million.  So, have 2/3rds of us already voted, or will the 2020 turnout smash 2016?

We’ll mostly know that answer late Tuesday night.  But first, long lines are expected from sea to shining sea tomorrow as well.  Add six feet between us in the lines and, well, pack a lunch.

Experts, pundits, pollsters, news anchors, hired guns, and hacks will tell us who and where voted for whom and why.   Will you, Lionel Ritchie, and your party of choice be able to party all night long?  

For the 50-60 million who haven’t yet voted, we have a dozen sincere questions.

  1.  Why haven’t you?  If you haven’t made up your mind we’re tempted to criticize.  Have we ever been this divided?  Maybe the choice isn’t so clear to you.  If so, we would like to know why.
  2.  Is it because you feel like you’re choosing between the lesser of two evils?  We’d understand that to some degree.
  3.  Four years ago, the ultimate outsider was chosen.  Four years later he’s running against the ultimate insider.  Forty-seven years in one elected office or another is a long time.  If America wanted to drain the swamp four years ago, does it, in a pendulum-like manner, want to fill it back up again?
  4. Can you judge Trump only on his accomplishments?  If you are objective the list is long and productive.  If you can’t look past the bombastic, sometimes crude, sometimes acerbic way of 45, then Biden is your man.
  5. Can you envision Kamala Harris as President?  If you vote Biden, and you live in the real world, you have to know that this is a real possibility.  And, it’s very possible sooner than later, isn’t it?  Is that the plan all along?  It’s a conspiracy theory as crazy as 2020, which means it’s possible.
  6. Biden himself said that the number one qualification he needed in a VP running mate was that she be ready day one to assume the highest office. Is the bait and switch set to roll in 2021?  Hillary once famously uttered about Slick Willie, “if you elect him, you get me!”  If America elects Biden do you get Kamala in the Oval Office?
  7. If you are considering Biden tomorrow, are you willing to put someone in the office who very, very clearly has diminished and further declining faculties?  Do you honestly think that he is fit mentally for the office?  “Neither is Trump!” you scream?  Trump is a lot of things, but you won’t outwork nor outthink him.  Four hours of sleep is his norm.
  8. Speaking of work, does the contrast of the last three weeks mean anything?  Trump’s rallies are far, wide, well attended, and frequent.  Biden’s are few, far in between, and actually have people honking horns in their cars.   How long do you want to feel like the world is ending?  Enough already?  Trump.   More time in the mental basement?  Biden.
  9.  What about Covid-19 and Trump’s mismanagement of it?  Do you honestly think Biden has a magic potion?  What about more lockdowns, even a national mandate you scream?  What about it?  What did the first wave of lockdowns do?  Germany was supposedly a model for how to work through this.  It’s November and their country is raging with new cases as is ours.   It’s a virus.  You can slow its roll, but you can’t stop it.  A vaccine can and Trump is pushing hard.  Too hard?   Cases should not be the barometer, should they?
  10. How was the economy before COVID?  The honest answer from any corner is that it was roaring.  Trump should get some of the credit for that, no?  What is Biden’s plan to maintain, if not grow it?  Raise marginal tax rates?  Raise the capital gains tax?  End fracking!  Transition (his words) out of the oil industry?  None of that sounds like growth. It sounds like government intervention into our lives and the regulation of industries.  Maybe that is a good thing?  Biden is your choice.
  11.  Little has been spoken about foreign policy this cycle.  You know why?  Because on balance, the world is a quiet place.  Nope, it’s not perfect.  It never is.  North Korea is quiet.  ISIS is neutered.  Russia, Russia, Russia you say?  BS, BS, BS Trump says.  China (spreading the China virus aside) is on notice on trade and behavior.  Do you find it odd that China would strongly prefer Biden over Trump?  Do you see any problem at all with Hunter, his dad, and a compromised situation when it comes to interacting with China?
  12. How about our troops?  More are home out of harm’s way, meaning fewer are abroad in harm’s way.  Trump saber rattles, but he doesn’t want war.  Veterans are thankful as well.  Trump’s mandate to his staff was to greatly improve post-service medical care.  It wasn’t good when he took office.  There is work to do, but the progress is real.

Every poll predicts an outcome that is different from the other.   Most have Biden ahead.  Almost all of the 2016 polls were way off.  Most had Hillary ahead.

If America doesn’t like the outcome (assuming we have one) hopefully the protests will be, ahem, peaceful.

Tomorrow will be fascinating.

We’d expect nothing less from the year 2020.



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • 3 weeks I Thought Biden would win , 2 weeks ago the same BUT the last 7-10 days the MO has changed the mainstream media won’t say it .. The Trump rallies are crazy , who the F goes out and risks getting the Virus , CRAZY CRAZY but they believe in him — we all won’t know until end of the week who win’s ,,,, But its ironic and telling IF Biden win’s – Trump’s people will go to work be disappointed , IF TRUMP win’s there are riots and Looting … What does that Tell us ?