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Debating the Winners and Losers

So, who won the debate last night you ask?  We’d like to ask the question differently.  Who lost?  America.

So, you persist.  Who won the debate, you ask again.  We are at least willing to narrow it down to two people.  We have some obvious clues.

We think the winner was an old white angry male who hurled insults, lies, and zingers before, during, and after his allotted time.  The question is, was it the some of the time “interrupter” or the all of the time “interrupter?”

Spanish speaking broadcaster Telemundo asked it’s viewers an hour after the debate.  Those that hadn’t turned off the TV midway through the donnybrook, nor after it mercifully ended, nor took Pepto Bismal actually selected Trump by a wide 66-34% margin.

The score has little practical meaning, partly because Telemundo’s respondents were not a scientific sample and may have been organized themselves to skew the results.

In 2016, for example, “Hillary Clinton was deemed the winner of Monday night’s debate by 62% of voters who tuned in to watch, while just 27% said they thought Donald Trump had the better night,” according to a CNN poll of voters who watched the debate.  All that proved was who watches CNN.

In 2020, that same instant poll last evening has Joe Biden the winner by a 60-28% margin.  All that proved was who still watches CNN.

Moderator Chris Wallace had to feel like he was herding cats.  But, that stopped neither side’s supporters from criticizing him.

At one point the sometimes interrupter Biden exclaimed, “What was the question? I can’t remember because of all his rambling.”   Wallace retorted, “I’m having some trouble myself.”  And the left screamed that Wallace needed to regain control.

A bit earlier the incessant interrupter Trump spared with Wallace when questioned over the lack of a health care plan.   “First of all, I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s okay, I’m not surprised.”  And the right tweeted all night that Wallace was very left minded in his 90-minute task.

That task must have felt like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

So how is a debate winner actually determined?  Ultimately, it’s by how many undecided voters or opponents voters they swayed with their performance.

What was said took a back seat to how it was said for the most part.  Policy, principle, and vision took a back seat to uppercuts, sucker punches, and low blows.

Because of that, we strongly doubt that any MAGA’s or never Trumpers were so moved.

How about the undecided?  Who, in this unraveled, strongly divided country, is undecided?

Our call?  Wallace lost. He had no chance.  Trump didn’t convert anyone.  He missed a chance.  Biden held serve.  He needs to stay upright twice more.

And, America took it on the chin yet again in 2020.


Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Well written.

    That debate was a small snippet of what American society has become. I don’t blame either one of the candidates that were on the podium. They are just a mirror of us. Just like when I pass a mirror and see a protruding abdomen, I didn’t like what I’m seeing.

    • Unrelenting leaders blaze a path. Trump drove that road expertly four years ago.
      Last night he came across poorly.
      Unrelenting waistlines are just a bad road.