Above the fold
The Gamble
It was way back in 1978 when Kenny Rogers was singing and Democrat Jimmy Carter was President.
Rogers song, The Gambler, advised us to know when to hold ’em, and know when to fold ’em. Carter advised us to raise our thermostats to 78 degrees to help overcome the global oil supply shortage caused for the most part by the Iranian Revolution.
Carter misread his hand and the American people as well. America wanted a solution to the problem, not a bandaid. Ronald Reagan steamrolled Carter in the 1980 election.
And now we wonder if the Democrats are overplaying their hand in their effort to remind us of all that is wrong with America today, and blame it all on wretched Donald Trump.
If you believe the polls, it’s working. Biden is leading Trump in the overall likely popular vote and in several key electoral college swing states. If you believed the polls in 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton was doing the same.
But if you believe the recent polling data on a few key issues, you might wonder if they are doubling down on the wrong hands.
The first was the “defund the police” cries from the citizens and woke mayors going along with city budgets aimed at doing the same. Polls told the Dems that this was a no-no and even Joe Biden realized that he needed to get out of the basement to speak against it. But, some damage surely was done. Police unions nationwide agree.
The more recent was Jerry Nadler speaking out loud about what the Dems should do if the Senate Republicans approve Amy Coney Barrett and then the Dems reclaimed the Senate in November. Nadler’s handlers tweeted under his name, “Filling the SCOTUS vacancy during a lame-duck session is undemocratic and a clear violation of the public trust in elected officials. Congress would have to act and expanding the court would be the right place to start.” If you don’t like the game, then change the rules.
Pack the court he screams. But a proposed “Keep Nine” amendment popped up last week. It’s objective is in its name. A survey, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates from Sept 23 – 27 among 1,000 registered, likely voters, found that 62 percent favor the amendment, as opposed to the 18 percent who do not. Oops!
And, lastly, a mom of seven with a sterling bench record, a strong constitutionalist view, and an even stronger belief in her Catholic faith is about to get grilled by Senate Dems over those very beliefs. But a Scott Rasmussen poll might give them pause. The poll found that 37 percent of voters favor Barrett’s confirmation by the United States Senate, while 30 percent oppose her confirmation, for a net approval of plus seven for confirmation. Thirty-three percent were undecided.
It should give them pause, but it won’t. The grilling will be bigger than a Nadler barbeque.
Polls, polls, polls.
The only one that ultimately matters is the November 3rd election day polling booth. Well, actually you can mail it in before, during, and after as well, but we digress.
Are the Dems reading the cards right? How loud will the so-called “silent majority” sing?
“You gotta know when to walk away, and know when to run.”
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“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.”
“Come on, man!”
It’s easy to let one’s cognitive bias sway them that the polls were incorrect four years ago so they are wrong now.
As a wise man told me a few months ago, people are already locked in to their decisions and not much will change.
Like a recent football game in Baton Rouge, it’s going to go to the team that wants it the most.
Or, is it easier to think 2016 polls were a statistical outlier? Usually, polls get it pretty close. After last night America feels like it got hit over the head by a pole of a different kind.
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