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Ten Piece Nuggets-NCAA Football?
It’s Ten Piece Nuggets time. Usually the nuggets are provided to satisfy. Today they likely will leave you hungry for more, for more college football that is. Yesterday a story broke that, if it plays out, will likely mean NCAA football will not play out this fall. Our nuggets are questions and we want answers.
- What has changed in the months, weeks, and days leading up to now that has the power brokers of the Power 5 conferences thinking that they may not want to play this fall after all? The answers are 1) a pesky spike in the virus, and 2) the PAC 12 “United” group of players demands we suppose. Neither should be any surprise to anyone. As for the virus, it ‘s been on the rise for eight weeks now and seems to be leveling again. As for the demands, it’s 2020. Everyone has demands these days.
- If the Big 10 folds its cards for the season, why do the other Power 5 Conference Commissioners feel the need to follow suit? Peer pressure we presume. If your conference played and a hot spot team or three broke out heaven forbid the scorn that they would receive that could have been avoided. Really? Would a “breakout” this fall inside of a team or three surprise anyone as they planned for fall? Does it now?
- If you move it to spring as is being suggested do you play January to April? If the answer is yes, did anyone look the old Farmer’s Almanac? The average daily high temperature in Madison, WI, home of the Badgers, is roughly -12. That “-” sign means minus! Ditto for February and two thrids of March.
- If you move it to spring as is being suggested do you play in April till July? If the answer is yes, did anyone look at the average temperature in June in Miami? It’s around 95 degrees with 95% humidity. In July it’s wetter and worse. Lastly, do you think that the virus magically disappears in spring 2021?
- If you move it to spring, do you lose essentially all of the players who would prefer to train exclusively for the NFL Combine and/or on-campus Pro Day workouts? The opt out number this fall was only 21 total players announced at this point. It will be 15 times that this spring. The NFL Draft is in late April. Do you think the NFL will change that to accommodate the NCAA? If you do, BBR has some beautiful land for sale for you just south of Miami. It’s taken on a bit of water, but nothing like the rise that the ocean will have in the next eight years when climate change really kicks in.
- Is the reason for the likely cancellation due to player safety? Is there a safer place than being on campus when fellow students aren’t? Is there a better place than having a full-time nutritionist and testing 2x a week right at your fingertips? Or, should we say right up, then down, your nose?
- If regular kids can’t go to school, why should they be “forced” to play football? They aren’t being forced, Karen. Opt-outs are receiving full scholarship benefits in today’s kinder gentler world anyway.
- What if some of them contracted the virus during a game and took it home to older loved ones in their families? Sure, that’s a concern. But that is a concern no matter where you are and what you are doing. If you cut them loose from the “bubble” that they are basically in right now, isn’t that a bigger concern? Have you been to a bar lately? Do you think any/many of them might venture out, then venture home?
- Do you think any of these school presidents, conference commissioners, and NCAA who hahs have asked the players what they want to do? Doubtful. They’ll let you opt-out if you want to on your own for now. But, when it comes to the big decision to play or not, they’ll tell you what you are going to do and you will like it!
- Or, is this all about the fan experience? By that we mean the “money collection” experience? No fans mean no parking, no food and beverage, no private seat license revenue, no ticket sales, no suite sales, etc. We tend to doubt that since they can clearly see what the NHL, MLB, and NBA have done. There is plenty of NCAA TV revenue to go around.
- (Lagniappe) Will any conference go rouge? We hope so. Our bet is on the SEC and maybe, just maybe, the BIG 12.
Are you ready for some football? It sounds like you might need to tune into the NFL where money talks and players kneel.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Money talks, makes a lot more sense financially to play in the Spring with the conference only schedule and do it from Feb-April. You have a lot better chance of having fans in the seats and beers flying at the concession stands. Sure draft eligible players might sit or schools might take out high insurance policies to try and get them to play, the show goes on.
Daily high temp in Jan/Feb in Madison WI is in the high 20/ low 30’s and a heck of a lot warmer then Green Bay where the Packers play outside into Jan.
What sense does it make to cancel all DII and DIII fall sports along with non revenue DI fall sports but play football? Doesn’t sound like the best interest of players but then again the NCAA hardly cares about that anyways.
Two seasons in one year (spring and fall) won’t have the students best interest in mind either. Too many injuries. The body needs time to heal. Maybe flag or powder puff should replace tackle anyway.
Daily highs in Madison are derived from marijuana not the thermometer.
Like the brilliant head coach of LSU Coach Eaux said to the esteemed VP of the US, “tell the president that America needs college football.”
What to do in the spring when the virus still exists? Play then? Put the ball on the damn tee and kick it already.
A canceled season means the 2019 national champion LSU Tigers wins the 2020 national championship. Suddenly, I kind of like the cancel culture.
No one wants to tangle with the Tigers which is why cancel culture is trying hard to cancel 2020.
Who cares what Karen says. I know her and we can’t and shouldn’t pay any attention to her. She’s the same idiot that will walk up to you, mask in place, and ask when you washed it last.
She worked at a department store in the 90’s and knows all about everything and everyone. Her sister is a nurse and feeds the flames of knowledge and intense debate. Her sister hates her too.
So with that in mind, we look to either have those two aforementioned conferences in business by 10-1. Money is in short supply and Cramer says go. Up to 40% of anticipated college freshman have mentioned that they are opting out of their first year. A redshirt class like that means many colleges and universities wont be around for long.
Nothing like football to drag your arses back to campus. Its not a want at this point but an absolute need. Its no longer about sports, but school survival.
You sound a bit down on Karen and we understand fully why. She’s tiresome at the least.
I’m hoping the SEC will break rank and reap the benefits. It’s there for the taking.
Listen Mr Raptor :} ………. Why pick on Dept stores man ………..leave them alone , they paid for my House and help educate my Kids …..
I love department stores. Just not the short timers who once trained there and took off to other greener pastures. Too much attitude without paying their dues.
Dues payers hate them Karen’s too!
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