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Hindsight, Foresight, and Throwing Darts.
One unlucky BBR staffer was assigned a project that wound up lasting well into the evening. The loser of the coin flip had to research the states’ stay at home orders, easing of same, and restrictions imposed on both.
The project mercifully was called off around 11:30 pm. Why? It’s because there are nearly 50 different answers from 50 states in place to either stay or not in place.
We wonder.
- Have we all put too much trust in elected officials that know next to nothing about viruses blindly throwing darts at a wall?
- Have we all put too much trust in many doctors(experts) who are in government positions for too long as the politicians are, somewhat blindly throwing darts at a wall?
- We were only supposed to be flattening the curve. Los Angeles County, “with almost certainty,” will extend the stay at home until sometime in July. Does LA (and Oregon) know something that most of the other 48 states do not?
- Will someone please inform BBR when, barring a vaccination that all agree to inject, the risk of spreading the virus will go to zero? Or when it will go to a manageable number? What is that manageable number?
- Will someone please inform BBR when the “cost” of catching it is outweighed by the cost of not catching it? Georgia and Texas amongst others have said that day has come and gone.
- Wasn’t the time to lock down two weeks before we did? Easy to say in hindsight you say? Correct. Yet some called for it loudly and repeatedly back on March 1. But it seems like the time to stop a spread is before it starts spreading. How do you know when? You don’t. So, if you think you are going to need to do it, isn’t sooner better than later?
- To those suggesting we should test everyone every time they enter an establishment that “we” think they should get tested we have a question. When does that need to subside? When the virus goes away? When the vaccine arrives? How do you pay for what you just proposed? Isn’t it a violation of one’s rights?
- To anyone who says anything is too soon? Is it not your individual decision to do or not do what you wish? Stay home as long as you wish, but the money to take care of everyone has long ago run out. Are you listening, Nancy? Are you listening, Mitch? Are you listening, Donald?
- Can anyone let us know when the Federal Reserve printer runs out of ink? BBR’s low ink printer notification is on more than it’s off it seems. That must be one big printer with one very big green ink cartridge.
- Why in the world is the stock market going up? Does Wall St. know that we have to go back to work in order to survive?
Hindsight is indeed 2020. We already cannot wait until 2020 is indeed behind us.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
All the government “experts” throwing darts are missing the whole board, and poking hole in the economic dry wall. Just stop throwing, go to a D.C. bar and have a beer 6′ apart.
Like the visual.
I love free money as much as the next guy but not at the cost of the devaluing the money I already have! Time to responsibly reopen, NOT re up with another stimulus package.
No doubt.
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