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The NYT Said So.
You’ve heard of Tara Reade by now, haven’t you? Reade has leveled serious sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden. She was a former Congressional staff member of his and claims that he assaulted her back in 1993.
In recent weeks her willingness to amplify the claim has gained some steam as a video of her mother calling into the CNN Larry King show back then with a veiled accusation that fits the allegation and timing has surfaced. Additionally, a couple of her friends have spoken on the record saying that Reade extemporaneously confided in them about the incident back then. She has even asked Biden to release all of his files from that time period.
The Trump labeled “failing” New York Times investigated and wrote an extensive piece on it. Their conclusion? They found no evidence that Biden had done any such thing. Wonders never cease.
And, now it just got more serious. The Trump labeled “fake news” CNN devoted a total of 14 minutes and 54 seconds of air time to the developing story so far. That’s 15 minutes and 54 seconds more air time than ABC and NBC combined have spent on it. And, it’s 13 minutes and 51 seconds more than CBS has spent on it as well. But, it’s gaining oxygen.
The DNC circulated talking points on the accusation to operatives weeks ago.
Stacey Abrams, who lost a race for Governor of Georgia, used them by the book last evening. On CNN’s Don Lemon show she said that every woman needs to be heard. She said every allegation needs to be investigated, and that the NYT did so, and that they found nothing. She said that she believes in Joe Biden. She said, she said, she said. She didn’t say that she is or wants to be on a shortlist for his VP nominee. But, she either is or wants to be.
Hillary Clinton, no stranger to knowing people who have been accused of unwanted advances outside of marriage, endorsed “maybe not so sleepy back then” Joe Biden just yesterday. She believes women should be heard and should come forward. Jennifer Flowers, who she labeled as a “bimbo,” would be one exception. It seems like Ms. Reade is at least the second one.
#metoo is #mia.
Does the DNC care? Sure it does. It went all-in on Joe Biden as the most likely candidate to defeat Trump. That is the entire objective regardless of who gets to call the White House home. Don’t believe that? Ask Bernie and a host of minions that fell in line behind Joe as the nomination process’ orchestrated collapse went down with an assist from the enemy that no one can see.
Congress cannot investigate Biden on this as he isn’t in public office. But the police can. Reade filed a report last week in DC about the 1993 alleged incident.
If Congress could, would it be as diligent as they were for Judge Kavanaugh? Christine Blasey Ford had to be believed a host of Democrats said. Blasey Ford was labeled as courageous. As of now, no one from the left has come out in support of Reade’s bravery. Reade hasn’t been labeled yet, but we trust one is in the works. The war on women works in mysterious ways.
Assuming Biden soldiers on, his VP choice, given his age and declining cognitive ability, is an important one.
Is it a bit odd that months ago he announced that if he got the nomination his VP choice would be a female? Pandering much?
A few months back Biden apologized for all of his actions saying “personal space is important, and I get it.”
Case closed? Not yet. It actually was just opened.
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I’m so old that sexual assaults used to be investigated by the local police and tried in front of juries in a court house with state and defense attorneys. I didn’t realize that sexual assault claims are now investigated by newspapers.
Next thing you know, we will let the pope or bishops investigate priests that commit sexual assaults on alter boys.
It’s important to keep it in the family.
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