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Everybody Ready? Here We Go!
America, have you heard? We got a brand new dance and it’s called the herd(back in the day it was called the bird.)
The herd is a bit different. It’s easy to learn. It’s one step forward and two steps back. Then it’s two steps forward and one step back. And, it’s all done at a socially responsible six feet from your dance partner. You never heard of it? No one had until about March 1st. Then it became all of the (out) rage in our country.
Quickly it became such a hit to us that the DJ started spinning the vinyl daily at about 6 pm EST. That DJ is grandmaster Donald J. While America danced the mostly liberal media sat in press conference chairs, looking like wallflowers, and asked why we shut down travel to China. Xenophobes all. Then they asked why didn’t we shut down the country sooner. Then they asked where the ventilators were. How about masks for the party too? One forward, two back. That’s it.
And soon the music all but stopped. The herd was barely heard from. Shelter in place. We need to get to herd immunity or we’ll thin the herd more than we’d like. Back, back, back. That’s it.
A few weeks back America wanted to dance again. Trump said one forward too soon. Fauci said one back for now.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) took the party favors and hid them. She said no dancing at all till she says dancing at all. She may have two left feet.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp(R) said let’s open. Trump said the first step should be slower.
Harris County Texas (read as Houston) Judge Lina Hidalgo(D) said masks for all starting this week or we’ll charge you a steep cover charge for no face cover. Texas Governor Greg Abbott(R) said feel free to show your face any time and any place. One forward and one back. That’s it.
The herd is rapidly developing its own mentality from coast to coast. We want to dance again and we want to do it now.
But we wonder. Is the herd getting replaced by a line dance forced on us by the “experts” in the government? You can almost hear “to the left, to the left, to the left” for part of the song, then “to the right, to the right, to the right” for another part.
Even DJ Trump wondered aloud yesterday if his headset, turntable, and vinyl are worth trudging out to the White House Lawn Party every day anymore.
The wallflower press is still there. They hate to dance. They want to report on all of the wrong turns and missteps made on this the largest stage of them all.
But, you may have heard of the “herd mentality.” It’s getting out of its chair and headed to the dance floor. Ain’t no stopping us now.
Come on Chuck, ask Nancy to dance.
Whawk! Hallelujah! Whoa.
Whawk! Hallelujah! Whoa.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
And for some people, the music just stopped.
Kim Jong-Un is social distancing from 6 feet under.
You’ll know soon enough Trump said. That I can tell you.
If Chuck wants to dance with Nancy, he better grab some hand sanitizer and a mask. She’s awfully “slimy”!
Chuck is the definition of “slick”. Nancy is covered in slime.
That almost sounds like a theme park water ride.
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