Above the fold

Way Back When

Way back when there were actually newspapers printed and delivered to your door yesterday’s presidential endorsement would have been front-page news.  President 44 endorsed his former VP to become President 46 by beating sitting President 45.  But 44,45, and 46 cannot find space “above the fold” when 19 is dominating the news.

COVID-19, Fauci, the WHO, and wet markets are getting cover to cover coverage.   And, that makes sense.

Someone who doesn’t make much sense these days is getting plenty of cover from the enemy we cannot see.  Because of it we can’t see that someone very often.  Joe Biden is “hiden.”  Actually most of us are.

We wonder.  Why did Obama take so long to endorse old Joe?  On one hand it likely makes a lot of sense to just let the process play out and endorse the last man or woman standing.  Afterall all it’s not as much who, but it’s whoever faces Trump that needs the push.

But we wonder.   A New York Times report reveals Obama’s decision may have been rooted in deep concerns about his former vice president’s chances of defeating President Donald Trump.  “You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama told the 76-year-old before he jumped into the crowded Democrat primary field, reported the Times. The Times also revealed an anxious Obama huddled with Biden advisers last spring to ensure that the former vice president does not “embarrass himself” or “damage his legacy.”  Donald Trump calls the NYT  “failing” and “fake news” almost daily.  Is the above fake news too?  Or, does Barrack think Joe is failing?

Way back when (1992) a Biden staff member claims to have been sexually assaulted by Biden in the hallowed halls of Congress.  She filed a report then she claims.  That wouldn’t have been front-page news, shamefully, back then.  But, if the hundreds of thousands of pages that detail Biden’s long, long government career are exposed, will Biden be as well?  The day prior to his announcing that he was running for president he amended the University of Delaware agreement on these papers so that they would remain sealed until he finished “serving in the public arena.”  Previously the agreement was that they were to be made public on 12/31/19.  Hmm.

Eventually, man (and woman) will emerge from our caves when the all-clear signal is given.  It’s like way back when a man had to wait for the dinosaurs to pass to safely hunt and gather.   Joe remembers.  He actually named a son Hunter.  He’s been serving in the public arena that long.  And, then the scrutiny will intensify.  Joe tied to sexual misconduct allegations and Hunter tied to China (of all places) will entertain us for so many hours that we’ll forget that we watched Netflix for so many hours.

Meanwhile, we suspect that in Joe’s basement office there’s an old school wall calendar.  Each morning one more “x” through one more square means one less day that the glare of the public light will shine on his candidacy.

And we suspect that is very good for Joe for now.

And we suspect that President 44 knows as much.

And we suspect that President 45 will be lurking just outside of the man cave.


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  • I hate to tell you, Barack, but Sleepy Joe’s legacy could not be damaged anymore than it already is.

    I’m waiting for Corey and Kamala to demand the Senate Judiciary hold hearings about the sexual harassment by Sleepy Joe of his former aide, Tara Reade.

    • As soon as Corey and Kamala get back to work in Washington they’ll be on it from the proper six feet apart.