Above the fold

Lefty And Shorty-Gas, Horse, Beer

If Lefty and Shorty were still with us last early evening might have unfolded like this.

Lefty and Shorty sat quietly in the cool but nice spring air.  It was only 6:30 PM, and cars were nowhere to be found.  Lefty- Why do we even stay open this late?  Shorty- I guess so that we can discuss this crazy gas station business world that we live in today.

Lefty sat to the left of Shorty.  Imagine that.  Shorty sat on the shorter of the two “halves” of the 55-gallon drum. Imagine that.  Each was cut down to size and retrofitted with a soft cushion top.

Lefty- Why do you even say that?  Shorty- I don’t get it.  Lefty- You don’t get what?  Shorty- I don’t get why nobody’s getting gas anymore.  Lefty- Maybe it’s because nobody’s driving anywhere right now?  Shorty-Why do you move my chair every time I get up?  Lefty- Social distancing.  Shorty- Antisocial huh?  Lefty-Yep, you don’t get it.  And, hopefully, I won’t get it because you don’t get it.

Only two cars passed by during what should be a busy time.  Shorty looked a bit sad.

Lefty- Do you miss the NBA?  Shorty- Like a grease monkey misses an oil change.  Lefty- The NBA might be going to H-O-R-S-E.  Shorty- Great, even fewer people driving.  Lefty- Wow.  NO! I mean they might start playing one on one games of Horse as they did way back when.  Shorty- Really?  Cool.  I remember. Lefty-  The best was Pistol Pete Maravich and nobody was even close.  Shorty- Do you think he could have beaten Curly Neal? Lefty- We’ll never know.  Shorty- Who had the better hairdo?  Lefty- Um.  Shorty- One had a mop and the other had a cue ball.

Lefty- Pistol died way too young and Curly just passed.  Shorty- Curly was a ball hog.  He dribbled a lot more than passed. Lefty- wha…

Shorty- I’m going to restock the cooler before we lock up.  Do you want anything?  Lefty- Beer to go. I need to forget this conversation as soon as I can.  Shorty- What one?  Lefty- Anything is fine, but none that begin with the letter C.