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The Show

For the NBA and the NHL, the regular season quickly became the suspended season.  For MLB, the regular season that was about to start became the delayed season.  For the NFL, the offseason goes on.

The NFL really doesn’t have an offseason though.  One of the greatest marketing machines that the world has ever known, the NFL has turned the offseason into a continuum of events and news stories all perfectly designed to hype it’s players, about to be players, teams, schedule, and league.

The scouting combine is followed by the free agency frenzy.  Individual workouts, mock drafts, more mock drafts, rumors, and then the real draft is next.  Offseason voluntary OTA’s (organized team activities) are numerous and anything but voluntary.  The preseason gives way to the regular season which gives way to the post-season playoffs.  And the grand finale, with two weeks off to build the hype, is the Super Bowl.

The year 2020 is threatening to be different though due to an overtly obvious 500-pound gorilla in the room.  The NFL draft is a three day made for TV extravaganza.  It’s so big that two productions, ESPN and the NFL’s own NFL Channel, cover it.

Yesterday by a 6 yay to 1 nay vote the GM committee that oversees the draft process voted to delay it.  How can we properly conduct individual workouts, administer physicals, and administer psychological exams they wondered?  And, what if teams in “hot spots” cannot conduct the draft from their headquarters?

The NFL office said thanks for the recommendation.  And then they said, the draft will go on April 23-25 as planned.  They already put the planned Vegas draft pick flotilla to the middle of the Bellagio Fountains on dry dock.  It’s being moved to a studio for all to see.

GM’s work for the owners.  Owners like revenue then publicity then GM’s.  Some like publicity then revenue then GM’s.

Will the draft go on as scheduled?  Could it be a bad look for the league to showcase itself in the middle of the global pandemic?  Or, would it be viewed as a very welcome relief from the replay boredom that a sports starved world craves?

It’s a big decision.  It’s why Roger Goodell makes the big bucks.  Actually, he makes the big bucks because the owners pay him so.

WWJJS?  What will Jerry Jones say?

The NFL never takes a knee unless it’s lining up in victory formation.   Ask Colin Kaepernick.

The show must go on!


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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • The NFL has public relation kryptonite. It’s too big to fail. The draft will go on, and we all will watch via distance learning about distant draft choices.