Above the fold
Pork. It’s Worth the Wait.
Isn’t the amount of negativity surrounding us today darn near overwhelming? You bet it is.
So, today BBR has chosen to stay positive. We see the glass of warm water that you should be drinking multiple times a day as half full. We’re positive that if you add a squeeze of lemon in it that you can 1) lose weight, and therefore, 2) preserve your dwindling food supplies.
Feeling better already? But wait! There’s more!
We’re positive that Madame Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi means well in this time of need. Nancy came to the rescue with a visionary bailout/entitlement government stimulus plan all of her own.
While crazy Bernie just wants “Medicare for All” paid for by the taxpayer, Pelosi offers way more in her economic stimulus bill. A six-pack sampling below unveils just a few of its probable positive effects.
- a bailout of all USPS (that’s your post office) debt.
- $35 million for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
- a regulation that greenhouse gas stats are provided going forward on all flights
- $15 minimum wage at all companies receiving assistance
- 1/3 board members chosen by workers for assisted companies
- required early voting and required same-day voter registration
One should never let a good pandemic crisis slip by without slipping in a truckload (or $#%@load if you prefer) of barrels of pork and regulation. Of course, a lot of our grocery stores could use a truckload of pork right about now. The meat is so juicy it’ll be worth the wait.
We do think that Trump’s decision to not shake her hand before the State of the Union address, as well as her hand recoil, turns out to be a positive as well. They were practicing social distancing before most of us had ever heard of “social distancing.” How woke of the two?
And, when the Madame Speaker tore up the printed address she was prescient as well. The virus tests positive (there’s that word again) on paper for a long while as you know.
Her examples of visionary leadership will have a positive effect on generations to come. Here is but one example. Senator Rand Paul was physically assaulted by his neighbor in 2017. Injuries were significant. And, four days ago Senator Paul tested positive for the Coronavirus. “Rand Paul’s neighbor was right,” Pelosi’s daughter Christine tweeted yesterday. That’s a multigenerational, passed on, bipartisan goodwill gesture if you’ve ever heard one.
Lastly, how about her warp speed ability to deliver the 1400 page proposal in such a short time? Did she have such a measure ready to take advantage of a desperate time just like this one in her top desk drawer? Like a lot of things these days, we’re positive about that as well.
The American economy is getting slaughtered by the day. The pigs are soon to follow.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Unbelievable, but I do like to eat bacon.
There is a great Pelosi joke to go along with your comment above, but BBR is above such sophomoric behavior.
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