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Dear Mr. Crane,

Dear Mr. Crane,

It’s been a week since MLB confirmed the terrible rumors, handed out the punishment, and you canned Manager A.J. Hinch and General Manager Jeff Luhnow.  They say time heals all wounds.  This writer might need more time however as this wound feels like the proverbial “1000 paper cuts.”

Your ownership in 2012 began with the Houston Astros franchise at a low point and it continued for your first few years.  No local TV contract (good Lord) and 100 loss seasons is no way to endear yourself to a city that loves baseball.  But, by 2015 you started turning things around.  Now on TV again (thank the good Lord) you introduced us to Jose Altuve and a manager that look the part, talked the part, and knew how to manage the game and endeared himself to his players.

Soon your GM’s talent evaluations and trades gave us guys named Springer, Correa, Beltran, Bregman, McCullers, and Morton.  Playoffs in 2015, and a near miss in 2016, and a guy named Justin Verlander paved the way for a World Series win in 2017.  Holy Cow the late Harry Caray would have said!

But whispers that your club denied about electronically stealing signs, aka cheating, grew louder.  And, at the end of 2019 they were exposed by a whistleblower willing to be named- Mike Fiers.  Everyone, not just Adam Schiff, knew the name of this whistleblower.  And, a week ago it all came crashing down, and down.

In the late 90’s baseball was rocked by the steroid era.  This writer had an up and coming offspring baseball player who idolized guys named McGuire, Bonds, and Sosa.  “How can they hit so many home runs daddy?”  Little did we know.

It took years and a leap of faith to buy in again.  But, the passion, strategy, and professionalism exhibited by your Astros, our Astros, Houston’s Astros won us over.  They had “it.”

And, now they don’t.  The fall is so much steeper than the climb.

The Astros won it all in 2017, and went deep into the playoffs in 2018.  Your marketing department had a catchy slogan for 2019.  “Take it Back!”  And, it came so close to doing so, losing in game seven of the World Series.  Perhaps the slogan should have been “Steal It Back!,” instead.

For 2020 and beyond the fans might have their own slogan.  “Win us Back!” This time you have local TV, but will we turn it on?  For the climb back is so much steeper than the fall.


A Disillusioned Fan All Over Again.





Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Nice work here BBR. I’d say you captured the strong feelings we all fail or not, to express. The Astros have a way to go in the level setting of their reputation. But my nose gets out of joint when the humility of the players are lacking. Someone needs to wake Bregman up and tell him it’s not business as usual. Maybe these guys will get it when all the endorsement dollars go away?

    • Or worse if the endorsement dollars don’t go away. The organization has bad communication advice to it’s employee for five months now and running. It reared it’s ugly head with the Asst GM tirade and worsened when Reid Ryan left abruptly. It’s at it’s zenith, I hope, right now.

  • Other than the threat of a Sopranos’ baseball bat to the head or knee, did any Astros player, coach or manager really think this would NEVER get out?

    Is it time for the pitching coach to whisper the pitch he wants into the headset, covering his mouth with yesterday’s batting order card, that transmits to only the pitcher and catcher?