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Know When to Say “Uncle.”
Budweiser, in a responsible drinking campaign several years back, coined the phrase “know when to say when.” Remember growing up when you were involved in a little physical tussle, skirmish, wrestling match, etc. and one side had enough they would say “uncle.” Why would they say “uncle?” It seems that while “crying uncle” is today regarded as an Americanism, its origins go all the way back to the Roman Empire. Roman children, when beset by a bully, would be forced to say “Patrue, mi Patruissimo,” or “Uncle, my best Uncle,” in order to surrender and be freed.
So, when should Uncle Joe Biden’s team say “uncle?” Preposterous you say? We actually think that Joe Biden means well. We think that he thinks that he can continue to do something, or has done something in his 32 years in public office to make a positive difference. But.
Wasn’t it just three years ago that very suddenly people named Bush and Clinton looked old and sounded so “yesterday?” What does that make Biden look like and sound like today?
Ronald Reagan’s detractors pointed out repeatedly when he had a “senior moment” or three that he might no longer be fit to hold the highest office in the land in his second term. Reagan exited the oval office for good after term two at the tender age of 77. Biden would already be 77 if he won when sworn into the office.
Don’t you wonder why he passed on the chance to run one final time after he served eight straight years as VP under Obama? Would the timing ever be better? Did he think it was Hillary’s turn? Please. Who thinks like that when they need to have the drive, bravado, tenacity, and “can do” attitude to handle the insane pressure of the top job? When has that stopped someone who wanted something? Or, was he just plain tired?
Several weeks ago he reminded us in his service to his country as VP that he had a chance to speak to some of the survivors and families touched by the Parkland School shooting. The problem, of course, was that he wasn’t in office then. His team said that he was referring to the Sandy Hook school shooting. Hmm.
A few weeks later, when America was on it’s heels from the back to back mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Biden spoke to gun control needs again and referenced these shootings in Houston and Michigan. Well, that’s a wrong city in the right state and the wrong state when attempting to recall a city in another state. Jeez.
Yesterday, to an assembled crowd, he advanced the idea of an $8000 child care credit for families and said that it would put 720 million women back to work. You can see the short clip here. We aren’t convinced that one begets the other. Further, when you subtract men and children from the estimated 330 million who call America home, you might get to 80-90 million women in all.
Remember, all of this is happening 14 months out from the general election. There are 11, yes 11, Democratic Presidential debates scheduled prior to the nomination. Then, the survivor gets to tangle with the man who loves to get people to say “uncle,” one Donald J. Trump.
Most incumbents, and all front runners, tend to limit their exposure and by definition limit the number and length of the debates. Donald J. is not a “most” incumbent.
Current odds on Biden to not be the Democratic nominee is minus $400. You bet $400 to win $100 if he doesn’t gain the nomination fair and square. You also win the 100 bucks if Uncle Joe says “uncle.”
“I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts,” Biden said Friday two weeks ago. The former vice president’s clarification came before he mistakenly praised Vermont when asked about his impression of Keene, N.H. Painful.
Father Time is undefeated. Uncle Joe might be best served by saying “uncle” before he is defeated.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
BBR staff is kind referring to Uncle Joe as Uncle. Between the look of death warmed over and the gaffes and the dementia, great grandfather may be the more appropriate title.
Are the Democrats really going to nominate another “old white guy” that can’t remember what state he is in? Good luck going in the debate ring with Trump. I would predict an early round TKO.
Gaming site BourbonBobby.com just moved the odds to -500 based on dr. feelgud’s professional assessment.
Why ask why in politics? This guy likes golf too much and is tired of paying for his own air travel. He was known to have taken Air-force 2 more than any person in recent memory took AF-1. Nobody owned more boondoggles than Creepy Joe during the last 10 years.
He does however owe Julian Castro a little sucker kick in the you know whats.
Castro is preseason game one. Trump is the NE Patriots.
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