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Win One for the Old Gaffer!
What a presidential race we would have if it were a racist v. a racist. So far we have one contestant and reigning champion signed up for it. Will we get another?
Donald Trump is a racist. Numerous TV news shows, late night shows, radio shows, comics, and civic leaders tell us this every day. He provided even more fodder for their cannons in the last two weeks. First he called Baltimore rat infested. It turns out that “infested” is a racist term. Who knew? Now we do.
Congressman Elijah Cummings in 1998 called his Baltimore district drug infested. Maybe it wasn’t a racist term then. Or, maybe what happened twenty years ago is too far back to really bring up about a person’s past. Don’t tell now Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh that though. You may recall that he all but stood trial in front of the Gentleman from Baltimore who proceeded over his House confirmation hearings. Kavanaugh’s high school behavior of over 30 years ago was front and center for over a week of hearings.
And yesterday the Trump administration announced that it is implementing a new rule changing green card criteria to more closely examine immigrants’ financial resources. It makes it more difficult for immigrants who came to the country legally to stay as permanent residents if they’ve used or are likely to use public benefits like food stamps, Section 8 housing vouchers, or Medicaid. “Racist,” said one CNN commentator this AM. “White nationalist,” said another. “He only wants people in this country that look like him,” the first commenter added on. What is strange about those character assassinations though is that Trump didn’t target any race with the new rule proposal. He targeted any and all that are most likely to “lay on the country’s leg” regardless of skin color.
Which brings us to the need for another racist to join the fray to get to the racist v. racist showdown. So far Democratic front runner Joe Biden hasn’t been labeled a racist. He has been the owner of a few, ok several, spoken gaffes. Gaffes sounds so much nicer than racist doesn’t it?
He said late last week that “we believe in the truth, not facts!” His audience actually cheered. Well the truth of the matter is that the next day in another stump speech he also said “that poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids during a campaign speech to Hispanic and Asian voters in Iowa.” Is that a fact? After an awkward pause (dare we call it a senior moment?) he added “we,wa, wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, but I’m serious.” His audience actually cheered. If you watched the link above you can hear the CNN crew agree that it was just another gaffe in a history of gaffes that Biden makes. Gaffes still sounds so much nicer than racist doesn’t it?
Of course 30 years ago Joe Biden stood with congressmen labeled as segregationists and spoke out opposing federally mandated school bussing. It was at least another gaffe don’t you think? Was it racist? Kamala Harris took him apart on stage about it but said she didn’t think he was a racist. Whew. It’s funny how that works. And, thirty years ago, like with Cummings’ comments, is probably too far back to really bring up a person’s past. But, she did. Again, don’t tell that to now Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh though.
So, for now, if Biden holds on to his Democratic nomination lead we’ll only get to see the “Old Gaffer” v. the racist. Biden says that his gaffes are just “Joe being Joe.” But, with each gaffe the Democrats are more and more concerned if they can “just win one for the Old Gaffer.”
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I’ve heard our great media refer to Joe’s gaffes as “he misspoke” or “a slip of the tongue”. He may be gaffe prone, but at least he has an empathetic ear when the Parkland school shooting survivors came to Capital Hill to lobby for gun control in 2018. Wait, was Joe the Vice President in 2018.
I advise the media that “a slip of the tongue” should be reserved for stories about Slick Willie and “a slip of the noose” reserved for his friend Jeff Epstein.
slip sliding away.
Sidebar question:
Did President Trump, kill Michael Brown?
Thanks, asking for Elizabeth Warren.
No. NO. But,Joe Biden was VP when JFK was shot.
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