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Phone A Friend

Twenty years and 363 shows and counting Who Wants to be a Millionaire? keeps on putting out content that keeps viewers wanting more.  It’s won 7 daytime Emmy’s and is ranked as the sixth most popular game show in viewership in TV history.

Falling just shy of that is boomboomsroom.com (BBR).  It’s getting close to one year on Al Gore’s internet and is now over 275 posts.  We’ve won no awards and aren’t ranked on any list of popular websites.  YET!

Our reader feedback has been way more good than bad while still in our infancy.  We are learning every day and hopefully in your eyes getting better every day.  We feel like our content has now earned us the right to grow our readership.  And, we are politely asking for your help to do so.

If you think a friend, biz associate, or family member would like to read what we write please invite them to join our small, but growing community.   It’s quite easy of course.  You can send them a link, and tell them that we post most every Monday thru Friday.  Or, you could ask them to subscribe as you might have at the bottom of the home page.  Or, if they agree, you could just send us their preferred email (easy peasy) and we’ll handle the rest ASAP.  Some of you have done this more than a few times and we are grateful.

Remember, it’s just an email a day to them at 9 AM CST only on days that we have new content.  It’s free to subscribe/read, has no ads, and no spam.

And, most importantly, the website is far safer than our Russian interfered with election process.  Ask Mueller.  Never mind.

So please do two things for us.  One, phone (or text) a friend or ten and get them on board with us.  And, two, have a super weekend.