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No Consensus on the Census
So, in today’s America, we cannot come to a consensus on the census. Why not? President Trump and his Attorney General are at odds with Congressional Democrats and a few Obama appointed judges over the right to ask a basic question on the 2020 census. The question is “are you a US citizen?”
That leads to another very basic question, “why?” Why would those opposed to the question of citizenship on the census be opposed to it? And, that leads to yet another question, “why was it taken off of the census questionnaire to begin with?”
The answer to why the opposition to the question itself seems rooted deep in the Democratic Party strategy doctrine. They would prefer the word “residents” these days over citizens. It sounds so much more inclusive you know. Remember “illegal aliens” morphed to “illegal immigrants.” Then it softened to “migrants.” Soon migrants became “undocumented.” There are even “dreamers.” Doesn’t “dreamer” sound so much better than “illegal?” How can you be opposed to dreaming? Join our party.
Way back in 1974 a lower court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade was upheld by the United States Supreme Court. The result made a woman’s right to have an abortion legal. A woman’s right to have an abortion morphed into a woman’s “right to choose.” Choose what? You know. So, it was still too descriptive. So, it is now referred to by the left as “woman’s healthcare.” It’s headed to “woman’s wellness.” Doesn’t “wellness” sound so much better than “abortion?” How can you be opposed to wellness? Join our party.
If you count “residents” isn’t the next step to count them in on all things that “citizens” rights provide. Free healthcare was just approved in California for illegals aged 19-25. Why stop there? You can start by redrawing the congressional districts around residents. And, when you do the party that panders to the illegal immigrants in every which way gains more votes. More votes means gaining and holding power. Why do you need an ID to vote anyway? Come one, come all. The party that panders dreams about the dreamers putting them in power permanently. And, make no mistake about it, the Democratic party has a vision and a strategic plan and does a great job marketing itself to achieve it.
So, why and when was it taken off of the census to begin with? It was taken off by the Obama Administration after the 2010 census. When you count citizens you also count non citizens don’t you know? It’s better if your opponents do not know the size of the opportunity (if you are from the left) or the problem (if you are from the right). The question has been on every census, taken once a decade, for over 160 years. When it was removed the hope was that it would never be placed back on it.
At a minimum it takes a fight to get it back on. And who looks bad in the fight in the eyes of the press? It’s the folks that call illegals illegal. It isn’t the former president and his agenda. He was trying to be inclusive. So the narrative has shifted. The press writes and talks about “why does the president want this on?” The press doesn’t or didn’t ever question why the former president took it off. So the right siders have to play defense.
President Trump comments often about how important it is to finish building the wall that previous administrations started. It might seem easy now compared to building a consensus around the census. Of course if you had the wall you would need no census consensus.
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My consensus is that this is some excellent writing.
Many thanks to you for the kind words from down on the border.
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