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I Have Yet Another Story and a Moral Thereof
Over the course of a business life that involved flying to US destinations almost weekly the greatest words that you can hear are “the flight’s on time.” However packing, parking, walking, TSA, waiting, boarding, taxiing, runway, cruising altitude, leveling off, seatbelt sign is on, small bathrooms, landing, rental cars, checking in, and unpacking wears on oneself. That said, any and all of that is better than the dreaded words, “we are delayed due to mechanical reasons.”
It was one nondescript Tuesday morning many, many moons ago, when we were boarding for Milwaukee when the dreaded announcement came. It was time for an undetermined amount of time to deplane. Off to the United Flight Club room I went. George Bush Intercontinental Airport was and is dominated by United Airlines. And, like all major airlines that fly to and from hubs, either there are plenty of folks in the AM to fly, or if all of the flights have gone there are few. Therefore, the club is either packed or empty.
The terminal B club was empty. A diet coke and a toasted bagel in hand I headed to one of the many living room/smaller areas to settle in for the wait. As I entered I paid no attention to the only folks in the area, a couple seated one couch over from me. As I got out the trusty laptop and booted up I looked over. This was no couple, and the club was empty-almost. Empty it was, except for one world famous golfer, his assistant, and now me. There I sat ten feet from Gary Player. Gary Player.
I decided then and there to get on AL Gore’s internet to refresh my understanding of just how big of a world renown athlete that he is. Gary Player won tournaments the world over. He won the Grand Slam (all four of the Majors). He won nine majors in all. He designed and help create over 400 golf courses the world over. He authored or coauthored 24 books. His foundation has helped thousands of children. Hailing from South Africa, it is estimated that he has flown over 16 million miles.
Suddenly I felt very small. I’ll keep to myself and answer some emails, or so I thought.
“What brings you to Houston?” Yep. He initiated the conversation. I looked up. I stammered. “I, I, live here.” “Oh, then why are you in here?” “Flight delay headed out to Milwaukee.” “I see.” “Where in Houston do you live?” “Um, The Woodlands.” “Great place, I’ve done some work with them.” “Ah yes, your golf course that you built, the one with your name on it.” He laughed deeply. And it was on.
And on our conversation went for a good 45 minutes off and on, but mostly on. He excused himself as his assistant reminded him that he had a radio show interview to give. His answers were articulate, direct, and well thought out. Mesmerizing.
Boom Boom always told me that “everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.” The Black Knight, aka Gary Player, could have been the exception. Small in stature, he is indeed much larger than life.
As the interview ended he picked right back up with me. Sorry I took so long.” ” No worries of course.” “Family?” “Yes, two kids.” And on it went as if we were old buddies catching up.
After about an hour the desk announced that the delayed flight to Milwaukee was ready to board. Mr. Player heard this as well. He leaped out of his seat. “Nice to meet you,” he said first to me. Shouldn’t it have been the other way around? Mesmerizing. World class.
Oh yea, so what is the moral of the story?
Maybe Boom Boom was right. Everyone does put their pants on one leg at a time. At least the humble, great one, Gary Player does. Mesmerizing.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
My Dad always said “you can’t teach CLASS”
Smart man-your dad.
Great story about a great man. Player, not you ya Bum.
Good story, All class and maybe the the fittest mature athlete I’ve ever met.
When the Senior Tour is here they have an annual Saturday afternoon exhibition of yesterday three man scramble. Until Arnie died the last threesome of the four legend’s groups was Palmer, Player, and Nicklaus. Carts are everywhere. Player walks the whole way. He is as a fiddle at 84 years old striding down the fairways waving and interacting with us minions. It’s an awesome sight. Now a days Trevino stepped in. Their interaction is gold.
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