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Border Fireworks Make For Good TV
Happy Fourth of July! Happy Independence Day!
Independence? What exactly is that? Merriam Webster defines it as “the state of independent.” Independent is defined as “not requiring or relying on others (as for care or livelihood).” It’s also defined as “showing a desire for freedom.”
Two hundred and forty three years ago tomorrow America declared it’s desire for freedom. And two hundred and forty three years later we have a crisis at several entry points into our fifty United States on our southern border. It seems that the desire for freedom from those in other countries has outstripped the supply of well meaning people (border control, government workers,and volunteers) to manage the situation. Managing it is very tricky of course. There is the attempt to stop illegal entry, and the attempt to process those caught, and the process of housing them while they are being processed.
Apparently this crisis wasn’t a crisis though when President Trump called it just that as 2018 turned to 2019. Back then the press and Democrats in positions of congressional leadership said that there is no such thing. Well, well, well. A funny thing happened from then until now. It’s a democratic process unto itself, and a way every four years that we take advantage of our rights that the very freedom provides. It’s the election process.
And, with that process comes the opportunity to express opinions and outrage over problems and opportunities the nation over. So, the non crisis is now a crisis. Ask any Democrat running for office. Each in the last week or so has expressed disbelief and outrage over the governments failure to adequately house the immigrants and care for the children caught in the fray. One even shrieked that the compound had run out of toothpaste. Oh yea, and it’s better to call them “undocumented” than illegal, too.
We’ll start investigations into it as soon as next week. Congress is very good at that. They investigate, castigate, and threaten to jail wrong doers. They remind those drug in to testify that they are under oath. The truth must be told!
The problem is that the truth was told and it has been told over and over. Those crossing are doing so illegally. They have swamped the border and have been for many months now. But, now, elections are near. TV time is expensive.
But, but, but. What if a candidate can get a hungry and gullible press member or 50 of them to follow their every step? They can walk right up to the fences (cages as the outraged has called them) and lament about how bad a job America is doing. Those “cages” were built several years ago under the Obama administration for all of the right reasons. It was one part of an attempt to control an out of control border situation. Then President Obama spoke into TV cameras and said, “don’t come here and don’t send your children here alone.” He continued,” If you do, you’ll be sent back.” It made sense then. It makes sense now.
Record numbers are attempting to get into the country that the party out of the White House tells you how many wrongs exist in it.
You might spend time in a “cage” and you might have forgotten your toothpaste. But, it must not be such a bad place after all. People are climbing over walls in record numbers to get here. Just don’t turn on your TV till after November 2020. It seems that a few folks have a different opinion. It’s another freedom. Freedom of speech.
Enjoy the baseball and the fireworks. And, please pass the hot dogs and apple pie this way.
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Toothpaste on every toothbrush! There is a gingivitis crisis that people must wake up to. No toothpaste. No peace!
Remember when flying only 3 ozs allowed. When walking you can bring unlimited amounts but please keep it in the tube prior to proper use.
Speaking of freedom. I was hoping yesterday to exercise my freedom to buy some freedom-themed Nike shoes. The shoes were pulled off the shelf. That news was shocking, but not as shocking as hearing Betsy Ross was a racist. So the seamstress of the original American flag is a racist and the Nike company would be an accomplice racist if they sold a shoe with her flag on it? Thank you Colin Kaepernick for saving us from that racist shoe.
Colin, do you really hate Betsy Ross and the National Anthem? I realize we are between NFL seasons and you haven’t been getting the same attention as the other boys and girls. Since you are between jobs right now, maybe you should do some research and find a country in the world that treats all races and religions and genders as well as the USA. I’ll wait…
Solid commentary. The staff was going to weave Kap’s yapping into the story above but decided enough already with him.
Kaepernizt is a disruptor. That’s basically all he is. For the so called market Tzars from Beaverton to cave in on this, is frightening. It’s kind of like asking your urologist what kind of beer you should drink.
One must wonder if the marketing machine that nike is contrived the whole episode. The stock sure held it’s head up as high as Betsy Ross did after she sewed the beauty.
There’s a reason Betsy made the flag Red, White, and Blue and not Red, Black, and Blue. Racism.
Betsy was actually colorblind. It’s a little known fact in all of this.
So True , but the Fake news will never Tell you–ONLY BOOM BOOM !!!!
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