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Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
With 5G technology and artificial intelligence on our doorsteps we will very soon be able to see, hear, and do things better and faster than ever before. So what will America prioritize to see, hear, and do better than ever?
While that conversation, driven by capitalism, evolves in boardrooms and meeting rooms the world over, Wall St. has certainly has bought in. A record-setting day yesterday had most indices closing at new all time highs. This writer took a Uber ride Friday night and the driver was eager to give us stock tips. A good stock tip might be “when Uber drivers give stock tips it’s time to sell stocks.”
Regardless, Main St. seems to have bought in too. Employment is at all time highs too. Inflation is low. Interest rates are tame.
All is well, eh? Well. Maybe not. A quick trip around the newsrooms in the last 24 hours shows us just how bad life really is apparently.
Brick and mortar is dead. Brick and mortar is dead. Maybe not. Kohl’s Department Stores announced yesterday that they are expanding their agreement with Amazon to increase the number of their retail stores from 100 to all 1100 to accept Amazon returns. Traditional stores teaming up with fierce internet competitors that were going to drive them out of business sounds crazy. It’s about foot traffic, always. Both stocks rose sharply. Bernie Sanders called Amazon criminal the other evening in a town hall. It turns out that they very legally pay less taxes than Bernie wants them to. Sounds like they help employ a few folks that do pay taxes. “Crazy Bernie” someone calls him. We’ll be back after this commercial break.
California wants to eliminate those tiny plastic shampoo bottles that hotels provide. Turns out that they are being found in the oceans at an increasing and alarming rate they say. First it was those plastic rings around so many six packs of cola strangling all of the seals. Once eradicated, the plastic straws that you drank the cola with started floating in the seas. What could be next? Could it be all of the plastic syringes lying in the streets that were handed out to drug users up the coast to insure clean needles for all? More after these commercial words.
A few of the now 20 and counting announced Democrats for president have endorsed giving voter rights to either all Americans 16 and over, or all people living in this country, or all people living in this country that are incarcerated, or all three of the above. We wonder if the cry for sixteen year olds to vote coincides with them being 18 and of legal age to vote come 2020? First come, first served. We wonder when it became a right of a non US citizen to vote, period? See if you can vote in the country of your choice the next time you travel abroad. We wonder if the plan is to bring the polling booths to the prisons, or to bring the prisoners to the polling booths? We’re up against a hard break. Back in two minutes.
We are back. Elizabeth Warren one upped Bernie Sanders’ free tuition giveaway. She wants free college too, but first wants to forgive 50k of student debt per individual that had to pay. Meanwhile, Maxine Waters, Chairperson of the House Finance Committee, wants to know what the big banks are going to do help these million or so yearly student loan defaults. She “grilled” several bank CEO’s two weeks back asking what they were going to do about this crisis. After the third CEO in a row reminded her that the government took over the loan program from these greedy bankers in 2009, she relented. Awkward. To summarize, the debt isn’t being repaid. Warren wants to forgive and forget about it anyway. It’s our government that is running the loan program even though the Finance Chairperson doesn’t know it. Lets just make college free. Banks are bad. We’ll be back with some final words right after this important message from our sponsors.
We wind down our 5G broadcast to you tonight on a lighter note with a look at this brief video of the latest advances in robotic programming. Wow. Artificial intelligence is creepy.
And, just before we close we have breaking news. It is confirmed that Joe Biden, who has been bidding his time, will announce tomorrow that he is entering the crowded Democratic field of announced candidates for president in 2020. Wow. How ironic is it that we mentioned Biden, artificial intelligence, and creepy all at the same time?
Thank you for watching. Good day.
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More breaking news:
Mayor of NYC, Bill De Blasio, says no more skyscrapers in the city. They cause climate change. Didn’t you know? I’m thinking of changing my 2 story house to 1 story. Will that help?
That’s a strong follow up to “meatless Monday’s.”
Maybe Biden can fly d a way to rub and hug the ladies artificially.
…..and maybe the government can get it put on to the Affordable Care Act……..
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