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Cromartie Goes AWOL in NOLA.

With less than one day to go till the Lenten Season begins, BBR asked Antonio Cromartie to take in the sights, sounds, and decadence of NOLA on Mardi Gras Day and give us a look at it though his eyes.  Predictably, and unfortunately, ole Antonio headed head first into the merriment and hasn’t reported back like any good reporter would.  Our guess is that he’ll be swallowed by the swale and swill of it all for quite sometime.    So much for pending Lenten promises.

We dialed up emergency relief help to show us the story.  The BBR staff came to the rescue.  Below are several photos of the French Quarter scene on a picture perfect Fat Tuesday.  Iphones take great pictures, but if you are looking at the post on one give the big file a moment to load.  Regardless, here are eighteen photos and a very brief explanation/title to act as your tour guide.  Enjoy.  Enjoy, but not to the Cromartie level of enjoy, please.

Mardi Gras is much safer than you might think. But, if you look for trouble you’ll find it.


French Quarter corner balconies are architectually very cool!


One of many, many Mardi Gras day floats.


Robert E. Lee mourns the removal of his statue at Lee Circle not too far away.


Blue sky, nothing but blue sky.


If you like old world preservation hop on a plane if you haven’t ever been.


Like Emeril, the party kicked it up a notch.


Trumpty Dumpty.


Did we mention 19th century architechture?


Your guess is as good as……….


Jesus is looking over this debauchery in the background from the back of the St. Louis Cathedral.


If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the ………sun.


Saints fans feel like Goodell sent in clowns to do a ref’s job.


If you want these beads you’ll need to………..


The words ” totally awesome” come to mind.


The word “awesome” still is top of mind.


Bourbon St. is cleaner now than it will be come midnight.


Antonio, wherefore art thou Antonio?