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$22,103,879,734,119 and Counting. But, Who is Counting?

As a gloomy February gave way late last week to a gloomy early March, $21 trillion in US debt and climbing gave way to $22 trillion in US debt and climbing.  But who is counting?  Talking about grey skies and cold temperatures is about as sexy as talking about debt.  It depresses one we suppose.

But, we wonder as out loud as we can, shouldn’t we talking about the debt NOW?  And shouldn’t we do something about it NOW?  We wonder if this isn’t something that both sides of the very parted aisle in Washington could agree on.  Last year’s roughly $800 billion deficit (money the US government spent in excess of what it took in) will look like it’s been on the Keto diet compared to the $1 trillion guesstimate that 2019 is shaping up to be.

By the time Barrack Hussein Obama left the White House in early 2017 the debt of ALL of the nation’s drunken overspending actually doubled under his watch.  Before anyone says he had to do it to stimulate the economy, the answer is no he didn’t.  You don’t have to do anything except pay taxes.  And, apparently you aren’t paying enough, that is, unless you think you are already paying too much.

And there in lies the crux of it all.  Both sides of the argument want to spend on programs and projects that appeal to their base.  And both sides talk around a game of “we need to spend less.”  Yet, at least one side thinks that we are taxed too heavily.

Obama wasn’t the only prez in charge to see wildly ballooning debt.  George W. liked to dole it out big time too.   He may have gotten that bad habit from his dad who rang it up like another round with the boys at the club.

In round numbers the debt has now reached $60 thousand for every legal US citizen and $180 thousand for every taxpayer.  We could solve this today if you would reach for your checkbook, dust off the dust, and write a quick one to the US Treasury for $60k.  One problem is that each of your children would need to as well, and it’s doubtful that they will ever even know what a checkbook is.  Has anyone named a child Venmo yet?  Our guess is yes.

Donald Trump spoke about the debt while campaigning.  He said on a live broadcast to his biggest cheerleader, Sean Hannity, that he favored the penny plan to reduce the deficit and eventually the debt.  The penny plan simply was a commitment to spend 99 cents on all of that which you spent a dollar on the year prior.  If you did this in seven years you would actually retire the entire debt, then $20 trillion.  Meanwhile, in his first two years the debt has leapt up two more rungs.  Sad.

However doing so would be like committing to the Keto diet, or any diet for that matter.  What are you willing to give up?  Or, would you just prefer to gorge yourself to death?

US Debt live billboards are posted in a few places in our countryside, a very few places.  Each time we hit a another depressing trillion milestone somebody grumbles about it and then we forget about it until we hit another milestone.  It reminds us of the assault on “assault weapons.”  Children at school are shot.  Proponents of gun control say we told you so.  Someone in Congress introduces new, stricter gun control legislation.  It dies without a vote  just like the very unfortunate children whose tragedy prompted the legislation.  Then, no one talks about it until it happens again.  It’s like the instructions on the back of a shampoo bottle.  Wash.  Rinse.  Repeat.

The Keto diet craze is sweeping across America.  How about we put America’s spending on the same healthier path?

In the time it took to write this (about and hour) the debt has ballooned to $22,103,949,632,268 which is an increase of nearly $60 million.

Keto for President in 2020.  MALA.  Make America Lean Again!



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Don’t worry Boomers! Wait…. I am not speaking towards BBR staff or subscribers, but, Baby boomers! Us millennials that are often blamed, are here to pick up the pieces!

    • Thanks Abby Daddy and good luck with the task. It’s a tall one that grows by the day.

  • Reading a great book, Atomic Habits. It speaks of the 1% increments that can make great change over time – The Penny Plan.
    All stock market crashes happen in one day while the momentum built for years or decades. One day there will be reckoning of accounts and people will ask how we got in this situation. It was one Omnibus Spending Bill after another.
    We can’t face the pain. The 2008 mortgage “crisis” was papered over with $800B+ in debt, but the good news is that it is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.