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New York Makes an Amazonian Sized Mistake
It’s old news to you now that Amazon, Inc., try as it might to not, decided to pull the plug on their new New York headquarters #2. A year-long “contest” ended with Virginia and New York both winning the “Amazon please be thy neighbor” prize. But, then New York started acting like a petulant child. The new news is a peek behind the curtain that fascinates.
This link is an open letter from a NY official that details the why of the wow. Reading the details is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Wow indeed!
Start spreading the news, New York, New York failed to deliver a huge, gift wrapped economic boost to its people.
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Open Letter to boomboomsroom.com readers:
After considering 200+ cities, the “Budget Director” at Amazon decided on Queens in NY for a second headquarter? I’m no CPA, but I am an Amazon stock holder. This is a BAD decision from the start.
OK! Let’s consider all sides. Amazon makes so much money that they wanted to throw NYC a bone despite outrageous corporate tax rates and being forced to use expensive union contracts to build the HQs. It is very generous to offer high tech jobs to thousand of Queens residents that they haven’t seen in “decades” (according to the open letter).
As Amazon gift wraps their Christmas, I mean Holiday, gift to NYC, a new twitter account is being opened by NYCs newest millennial representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She spits on the gift before opening it, kicks it in the frozen street, runs over it with her New Green Deal bicycle and doesn’t send a thank you note. With that sort of reception, I’m sure Apple and Microsoft are eager to build HQs in NYC too.
I can imagine many NYers are mad as hell and considering moving to Florida or Texas. As a Floridian, we welcome you to the Sunshine state. All we ask is that you don’t move here and vote for the same kind of idiot politicians that caused this train wreck. Thanks.
Here at boomboomsroom.com we are strongly considering judging a Comment/Post of the Year Contest for 2019. We are only two months into the year, but you just raised the bar very high. Hear ye, Hear ye, Dr. Feelgud has spoken!
Sounds like New York made a #2 on Amazon’s headquarter plans.
It was a bad deal for all. Bezos pays no fed taxes, soon no state taxes, and all the labor pays the bills. I’m not in agreement on this one. These people will be lucky if they earn enough to pay their rent and taxes in the big city.
It reminds one of the NFL in certain aspects. It comes down to how much give for how much get we suppose.
Don’t get “rapped” up in it. You pay the bills when when you order from Amazon. The consumer ALWAYS pays, and the consumer can choose not to pay – unless of course it’s American healthcare insurance.
Rappin’ with Raptor.
After all, do New Yorkers really want to work their buts off only to see the profits paid as alimony? Seems like a fair rejection.
Is half of something better than all of nothing? I should know.
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