Above the fold
Abby Took Down Vegas-The Epilogue
Year one for Abby’s weekly column is now in the dog house till fall. However, she will certainly show her head for a bowl game or two along the way when something gets her attention.
College football picking isn’t easy. The smart money in Vegas (called the Sharps) focuses on a narrow window of analytics and doesn’t stray (Abby doesn’t like strays either). If the betting line doesn’t meet their tight standards window they punt.
Abby takes a broader view when making her choices. This can be more difficult. That’s why it’s important for her to risk various amounts (bones) to weight average the risk.
For her inaugural journey she won 22 bets, lost 23, and tied one against the Vegas lines. Importantly, she won 59 of 108 bones wagered. That is a win percentage of 55%. Each bone is $11 to win $10. Thus, she finished plus $51 dollars on the year. It’s won’t shut down The Strip, but it will afford a better grade of dog food than Kibbles & Bits.
Perhaps her hunch bets should have been part of the bones wagered. The hunch bet finished year one with nine great wins versus only one loss. I have a hunch that she won’t be able to repeat that best of show performance next year.
She is wishing some
of her favorite mascots a happy holiday and a win in their bowl games. Abby hopes that you enjoy the early bowl games too.
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