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Embrace Family. Avoid Bullets.

When times are tough have you ever suggested that it was time to circle the wagons?  Or, maybe it got tough enough that you needed to rally the troops?  But, when the going gets really tough it might be time to gather the family.   Who can you count on more than family?  After all, “blood is thicker than water,” isn’t it?  What though is the origin of that phrase?

Meaning: Family comes before everything else
History: In ancient Middle Eastern culture, blood rituals between men symbolized bonds that were far greater than those of family. The saying also has to do with “blood brothers,” because warriors who symbolically shared the blood they shed in battle together were said to have stronger bonds than biological brothers.

Blood is indeed thicker than water.  But, unfortunately, when actual blood flows from one’s body it certainly can create an emergency.   Emergencies require prompt action.   Prompt action might have to be taken on the spot.  This situation might be so difficult that you might need to “bite the bullet.”  Why bite on a bullet?

Meaning: Accepting something difficult or unpleasant
History: There was no time to administer anesthesia before emergency surgery during battle. The surgeon made patients bite down on a bullet in an attempt to distract them from the pain.

Blood is thicker than water.  But, too much of it and you might need to bite the bullet.  Your family sure hopes not.