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No News Is Good News
You may have noticed that the boomboomsroom.com staff hasn’t posted a news article in a week or so. It’s because our news editor has been on vacation. Not really, we don’t have a news editor. It’s because the staff hasn’t really felt like posting one.
We wondered aloud this afternoon why. Why no news?
Sure there’s been news. There is plenty of it every day. We think our aversion to news stories the last week or so is driven by what we see or hear, who we hear it from, and how we feel about it. And, we feel like what we have been seeing and hearing has given us news fatigue.
We did some research today and discovered that Googling “news fatigue” is a dead-end. There is no such thing apparently. Or, maybe there is and no one trademarked the phrase just yet. We looked on Dictionary.com too. Again no such thing. The site actually asked if we meant “nest egg.”
Each year Dictionary. com adds new words/phrases that have been coined along the way. Glamping is where glamorous meets camping. Tzatziki is a greek yogurt sauce that is made with garlic and cucumbers. A dumpster fire is a total loss, worthless, or bad outcome. Well, dumpster fire is very close to what we were looking for. But, why no news fatigue?
So the staff met this afternoon, tried some tzatziki, and decided to help both sites as they clearly aren’t as “on trend” as ours is. We decided that news fatigue is a noun that describes one’s feelings after watching any of CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, or CNN (which some call “fake news” on a rather regular basis). Those feelings are hopelessness derived from the ridiculous one-sided approach to the same subject and incessantly droning on daylong about it. It’s furthered by the negative angle of that one-sided approach.
Lastly, it’s compounded by the stench emanating from Washington. Congress members get low, low cost (you’re subsidizing greatly) haircuts and manicures. We wonder if we could install free showers to? Everyone in that swamp needs a soap and a rinse.
Hopelessness overtakes those afflicted with news fatigue. So what is the cure? We hope there is a better one for the long-term. Meanwhile, what is the short-term remedy to ease the pain? After little deliberation we think turning off the news channels until your fever subsides is a smart start. After all, there are people who report the news and people who make the news. We suggest that you make your own news, and make it positive in whatever you do.
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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
News fatigue is REAL. Take it from a doctor. It is a sub- tegory of chronic fatigue syndrome. And a sub-category of news fatigue is hurricane news fatigue and mass shooting news fatigue. The cure Rx is 5 fold:
1. Put down and turn off all electronics
2. Have a face to face conversation with another human being
3. Sip your favorite beverage outside while all your senses take in nature
4. Get up from your chair/desk and take a walk
5. Read a book, but not a NEWS book
Great to have an avid reader who is a doctor or med on board. This RX should help many other readers…..
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