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Meet Abby Roux and her Doggedly Optimistic Look at Life.

Scroll down if you dare after reading this brief post.  Somebody’s watching.  There she is.  Meet Abby Roux.  This beauty of a four-year old Vizsla is the Boom Boom’s Room exclusive and official mascot and watchdog She has to pull double duty for us at the outset, budgets being what they are you know!  Expect her to bust into the Room at times with her tail in full wag to give us a whimsical look at life as she sees it.  Her first thought begs your interest below.

Old age and toilet paper are a lot alike.  The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes!

Abby and Boom Boom shook on the deal last evening.

Welcome on board Abby.



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